Composure DepthElement Not Producing A Picture

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Composure - Sep 21, 2020

The user tried to use the composure pipeline and followed what is written in the Documentation. All the elements and nodes written out in the documentation worked as expected with the exception of t ...

Capture Source not changing in Planar Reflections

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 14, 2020

Changing the Capture Source in Planar Reflections is not working as expected. Without being able to change the source, Post Process Materials are not rendering in the Reflection. Reported in versio ...

Event Dispatcher objects cannot be deleted after the initial graph node is renamed

UE - Gameplay - Sep 14, 2020

Adding an Event Dispatcher to the Level Blueprint and then renaming the initial graph node within that Event Dispatcher prevents deletion from that point forward. Renaming the Event Dispatcher from ...

Screen Space Reflections not showing in Panoramic Capture

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 10, 2020

Reflections not showing in Panoramic Capture images. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 11590370), and 4.23.1(CL 9631420).  ...

Android ETC2 Debug Builds Crash on Startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 9, 2020

Android apps build with the debug configuration on ETC2 will crash on launch. ...

Crash editing Transition Logic after deleting State and Transition in State Machine

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Sep 8, 2020

Attempting to click on a node in a Transition Logic that has been opened in a new tab will cause a crash when the correlating State node and it's transition have been deleted from the State Machine. ...

Volumetric Translucent Shadow not showing in game mode

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 8, 2020

Volumetric Translucent Shadow not showing in game mode for versions 4.23-4.25.  Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 11590370), 4.23.1(CL 9631420), 4.22.3(CL 7053642). Wor ...

Cascade velocity aligned particles jitter when "use local space" is enabled

UE - Niagara - Sep 2, 2020

Sprites in a particle system flicker/shake when use local space is combined with small velocity values and velocity aligned sprites. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 1 ...

Volumetric Material not compiling on Niagara Mesh Renderer

UE - Niagara - Sep 1, 2020

The Volumetric Shader seems broken when used along the Niagara Mesh Renderer. Reported and tested in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested with same result in version 4.24.3(CL 11590370). ...

Unable to open Unreal Engine after cleaning project in XCode

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 31, 2020

When I have the Epic Games Launcher open as I clean the Xcode project, the top right button will still read "Launch." Clicking on it after the Xcode project is finished cleaning causes the following ...