ProxyLOD plugin generates uninitialized vertices at end of a vertex buffer

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 11, 2020

ProxyLOD::FQuadricMeshSimplifier::OutputMesh may remove duped verts. The input vertex buffer was resized by numVerts from FQuadricMeshSimplifier before calling OutputMesh. So these behaviors genera ...

Editor freezes when searching for blueprints while another search is active and indexing is in progress

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 10, 2020

The editor will freeze if the user starts a search for blueprints while a search is already happening during blueprint indexing. ...

Persistent note on custom event when param is created from connecting array - "No value will be returned by reference"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 10, 2020

If the user creates an array parameter on a custom event node by connecting a pin to it, a persistent node will appear on the node that cannot be cleared. This only occurs if the param is created b ...

Android ETC2 Debug Builds Crash on Startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 9, 2020

Android apps build with the debug configuration on ETC2 will crash on launch. ...

Android Random Startup Crashing

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 9, 2020

Licensees are reporting random crashes at startup, with randomly different messages, but it seems that all have a "low-address null pointer dereference".  The licensee believes that the phone someti ...

Crash when attempting to deform a landscape when Paint Layer has not been used - Assertion failed: !TargetProxy->HasLayersContent() || !InCanUseEditingWeightmap || EditingLayerGUID.IsValid() [LandscapeEdit.cpp Line: 5252]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 9, 2020

The editor crashes when attempting to draw a weight blended texture to the landscape if it hasnt been used on that landscape yet. This crash can be completely avoided if the stone texture is painted ...

Nativizing a blueprint interface using TMap/TSet causes Fatal error in UHT

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 9, 2020

FPropertyBase constructor does not handle a TMap/TSet property. Following workaround can avoid this error. explicit FPropertyBase(FProperty* Property) : PropertyExportFlags(PROPEXPORT_Public) ...

Standalone network profiler UI is cut off and unuseable at default DPI scale

UE - Networking - Sep 4, 2020

The network profiler C# exectuable that shipped in 4.25 is not fully useable on either my development machine or my home machine, because part of the UI is cut off below the window no matter how I r ...

Shader Complexity not working correctly on Deferred Decals

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 3, 2020

If you place a deferred decal in the world and then set the view mode of the viewport to "Shader Complexity", the decal doesn't affect the complexity value. ...

Default changes to Gameplay Tag Queries aren't propagated to instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 3, 2020

Gameplay Tag Query default properties don't automatically update in instances.  ...