RVT sample texture param ignores groups.

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 3, 2020

RVT texture sample params ignore groups and ignore existing groups. ...

Absolute World Position post process no longer works in mobile preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 2, 2020

User reports this work correctly in 4.24, but now no longer works as expected in 4.25.I don't have a clear CL just yet, marking unconfirmed. If you change the settings to use ES3.1 Preview and just ...

Multiplayer Preview in VR HMD input routed to all players

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 1, 2020

Multiplayer Preview in VR is not useful because HMD input is routed to all players. ...

SWidget: Add support for ScrollBox in GlobalInvalidation mode

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 1, 2020

SScrollBar SScrollBarTrack SScrollBorder SScrollBox ...

Text Render Actor with Material Instance using Parameter crashes when playing Standalone Game

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 31, 2020

Material Instance with Parameters on Text Render Actor causes crash when playing in Standalone. Reported and tested in version 4.25(CL 13942748). Works as expected in 4.24(CL 11590370). ...

Unable to open Unreal Engine after cleaning project in XCode

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 31, 2020

When I have the Epic Games Launcher open as I clean the Xcode project, the top right button will still read "Launch." Clicking on it after the Xcode project is finished cleaning causes the following ...

DefaultToSelf on a TScriptInterface parameter does not default correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 31, 2020

This issue seems to stem from the incorrect constructor being called for TScriptInterface, so the correct Interface pointer does not get called. If you explicitly connect a reference to "Self" to ...

Tile Streamed in Temporarily has Stepping on Landscape

UE - Content Tools - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 28, 2020

This was reported in a UDN. Jeremy M. originally pointed out that the stepping looks to be caused by high res geometry sampling a low res heightmap. Additional observations:Loading the tile in w ...

Parameterized Vector4 is treated as Float3

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 28, 2020

A Parameterized Vector4 are being treated as Float3. This prevents users from being able to use Vector4s in an If node during runtime. This is seen as far back as //UE4/Release4.22 cl 8065155 so th ...

Material Billboard Component doesn't respect screen size when taking into account Camera FOV and AR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 27, 2020

Material Billboard Component skews when Camera's Aspect Ratio is changed, and varies in size with changes to the Camera's Field Of View. Reported in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and tested in versi ...