Input consumed by a widget's action binding can be skipped if using key modifiers

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 29, 2021

The following code in UPlayerInput::GetChordsForKeyMapping is at fault for this:  !(KeyMapping.bAlt || KeyMapping.bCtrl || KeyMapping.bShift || KeyMapping.bCmd || ActionBinding.KeyEvent == EInputEv ...

ListView does not update properly when game is paused

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Oct 12, 2021

The ListView widget currently depends on the UWorld's timer manager to fire an event indicating new entries have been generated (see UListViewBase::FinishGeneratingEntry). This can become a problem ...

Once an actor channel is closed by NetCullDistance, root motion movement synchronization stops working

UE - Networking - Jul 12, 2021

Properties that uses DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE (ex. RepRootMotion ) will also skip replication when an actor channel is newly opened. This means that if the variables on the server side do not c ...

Static mesh components spawned in the UCS along a spline require lighting to be rebuilt after a map reload.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 17, 2021

Seems to be somehow related to components being instanced in the Construction Script according to a spline. The transforms are slightly off by more than 1.e-2f. They are reconstructed on load with a ...

Each adding a static mesh not containing any collision data keeps increasing PhysX memory

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 19, 2021

If the static mesh has UseSimpleCollisionAsComplex and does not have any SimpleCollision shapes, The physics actor will be destroyed immediately in FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors, but ...

An array of structures variable has its values reset when the structure is modified without recompiling the blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Apr 2, 2021

An array of a structure that has been modified without the array's blueprint being complied results in the values of the array element being reset. Compiling each blueprint that has the array of str ...

SetEditorProperty does not propagate changes to loaded children blueprints

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 8, 2021

Changes on the Blueprint Editor are immediately propagated to the child blueprints. ...

Data validation FAILED due to IWBE_Blutility containing invalid data

UE - Content - Engine - Jan 11, 2021

4.26[AssetLog] D:\Binary\UE_4.26\Engine\Content\Tutorial\InWorldBlueprintEditing\TutorialAssets\IWBE_Blutility.uasset: Default__IWBE_Blutility_C is not valid. See the MapCheck log messages for detai ...