DrawDebugString does not work with nDisplay

UE - Virtual Production - nDisplay - Jan 24, 2023

DrawDebugString does not appear to be working when combined with nDisplay. ...

TickComponent and PostPhysicsTick in SkeletalMeshComponent can cause simultaneous read/write access

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 18, 2023

When a SkeletalMeshComponent is restarted by calling in order of   SetSimulatePhysics and SetComponentTickEnabled, the TickComponent and EndPhysicsTick are executed simultaneously. As a result, the ...

Using justification on an Editable Text Box delays one frame

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 17, 2023

The display implementation is in the level blueprint. [Image Removed] ...

Two planar reflection and translucent materials draw reflections on one side only

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 6, 2023

This problem seems to be fine when the material is Opaque.[Image Removed] ...

CachedMaxDrawDistance value are not updated by CullDistanceVolume in persistent Level

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Dec 16, 2022

in PIE, RerunConstructionScript() is executed and actor's CachedMaxDrawDistance is updated as expected. in packaged game, RerunConstructionScript() is not executed  so, CullDistanceVolume is not u ...

Merge actor issue with similar materials

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Dec 16, 2022

Distance Field Shadows does not respect FSceneView::HiddenPrimitives

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Dec 5, 2022

Basically, APlayerController::HiddenActors, which is propagated into FSceneView::HiddenPrimitives is not used to skip shadow casters in the DF shadow implementation. Because this does not use the g ...

r.AllowOcclusionQueries 0 keeps increasing PrimitiveOcclusionHistorySet memory

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 29, 2022

r.AllowOcclusionQueries 0 skips the call to TrimOcclusionHistory(), so the PrimitiveOcclusionHistorySet container continues to grow. ...

Scroll box hand icon is small when DPI scaling is enabled

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 22, 2022

The scroll box widget currently hides the cursor and manually draws a closed hand software cursor in SScrollBox::OnPaint when right clicking and dragging. This software cursor does not account for D ...