Event dispatchers (i.e. delegate property values) are currently copied to the new instance when users copy/paste/dupe actors. However, this means that if you have an instance whose dispatcher is dy ...
Showing the mouse cursor and holding down the left mouse button while dragging will cause the MouseX event to broadcast incorrect axis values. ...
Screen Space Reflections have a visible lag on opaque materials compared to transparent/additive materials. See [Link Removed] ...
The problem is caused by the animation sequence playback position being set out of range from Sequencer. The call stack is : UE4Editor-AnimGraphRuntime.dll!FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy::UpdateAnim ...
Composite Decorator Graph nodes are not updating titles. Upon closing and reopening the Composite Decorator Graph, the nodes do refresh to their properly set title. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in ...
Since the contents of a ListView are virtualized, the ListView estimates the size of the scroll box's contents based on the on-screen elements. This can lead to some situations where DistanceFromBot ...
Add Sound Effect to Preset Chain has no effect on the Source Effect Chain. [Link Removed] ...
Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4 ...