A Pass-by-Reference function input cannot accept a reference to Self

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

A Pass-by-Reference function input cannot accept a reference to Self. Workaround: Cast from Self to the desired class and use that for the function's input. ...

Slight delay when switching between UMG buttons on Mac

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 30, 2014

There is a slight delay when clicking between two different UMG buttons on Mac. Tested on OSX 10.10.1. There also appears to be a flicker on the Menu Bar. ...

Delete Unused Variables deletes variables used in Child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

[NickW] Should perform a search in children, at least warn if this will break children. — Delete Unused Variables deletes variables used in Child Blueprints. Note: Not only child blueprints. If ...

An error message in DataTable.cpp does not correctly output the value of a variable.

UE - Gameplay - Dec 30, 2014

An error message in DataTable.cpp is intended to display the value of an int32 variable, but instead outputs "%d". ...

CRASH: Random Crashes: Access violation - code c0000005

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

Crash Report: [Link Removed] UE4Editor_CoreUObject! UPackage::SavePackage() + 23952 bytes savepackage.cpp:3305 UE4Editor_UnrealEd! UEditorEngine::SavePackage() + 1065 bytes editor.cpp:4368 UE4Edi ...

Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor. ...

FLightMap2D::Serialize() contains a possible index out of range error.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 30, 2014

A user pointed out a potential to have an index out of range error in the source code. There are also a few magic numbers scattered around in this function. ...

Trying to set a variable in one element of an array of custom UObjects will set that variable for all elements in the array.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 29, 2014

If an array of custom UObjects is added to a class, changing the value of a UPROPERTY variable in one element of the array sets the same value in all elements of the array. ...

The mouse is restricted to the window bounds after Resuming from the Menu in the Blueprint_HUD level of Content Examples

Docs - Samples - Dec 29, 2014

After Resuming from the Menu in the Blueprint_HUD level of Content Examples, looking around with the mouse is restricted to the window bounds. Clicking inside the viewport resolves the issue. ...

Spin box delta does not show update values correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 29, 2014

When setting the Spin box delta to 1 and the slider exponent to 1 the value of the spine box should go up by 1s. However, the actual value is still retains decimal points and is rounded to show whol ...