This user project gets a continual ensure condition failed: CurrentDepthTexture during PIE and packaged games

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 25, 2015

Continual ensures while playing this user's project: LogOutputDevice: === Handled error: === Ensure condition failed: CurrentDepthTexture [Link Removed] [Line: 650] Stack: UE4Editor-Core.dll!FWind ...

Blueprint Viewport not updating until BP reopened

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 25, 2015

Changing the Material on a Static Mesh Actor Blueprint is not updating in the BP Viewport until the BP is reopened. The Thumbnail updates immediately. [Image Removed] Also Reproduced in Main Prom ...

Engine Freezes Compiling Fmod Material

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 25, 2015

When Saving the Material shown below, the engine will freeze at 50%, no crash is generated but engine stays unresponsive (tested for 60 mins) and must be terminated via Windows Task Manager. [Image ...

Dialog Windows Still Displayed when Editor is Minimized on Macs

UE - Platform - Apple - Jun 25, 2015

There are some dialog windows that will render on top of other external applications when the editor is minimized and does not have focus.....i.e. 'Building Lighting' and 'Auto-Save' dialog windows. ...

Misspelling in description for 'OnActorEndOverlap'

UE - Gameplay - Jun 25, 2015

'Called when another actor steps overlapping this actor' sounds like it should say 'Called when another actor STOPS overlapping this actor' ...

Using TableViewBase class causes compile errors

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 25, 2015

Attempting to derive from or include TableViewBase in another class causes compile errors with no additional code added. ...

Circular dependency causes a component to become null when compiling a subclass

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 25, 2015

In a project with circular dependencies, components belonging to a native base-class are nulled when a blueprint sub-class is compiled. ...

Clicking the GameMode Override dropdown in the World Settings tab crashes the editor

Tools - Jun 25, 2015

Clicking the GameMode Override dropdown in the World Settings tab crashes the editor. Also occurs with any of the sub-options for the GameMode. Does not appear to occur if there is not already an ex ...

Confusion over what assets are saved in Persona with the Toolbar button

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2015

Some users appear confused as to why the skeleton is not saved when they add sockets while in Animation Editing Mode. Unsure what an elegant solution would be at this time. ...

Launch Game Crash with None Distribution Method in Cascade

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 24, 2015

When you set the Distribution method to NONE in an initial Mesh Rotation Module of Cascade, cook the content for windows and then Launch for windows (or other non-editor device), the launched game w ...