Static lights turn off after building lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 27, 2022

Lights set to static will disappear after building lighting. This is not a regression due to it occurring in 5.0 Early Access. ...

Crash when loading array of UStructs containing Instanced property

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 26, 2022

The editor crashes with a failed assertion when opening a blueprint actor that contains a structure with instanced objects. ...

Event Track option is missing from the +Track within the Actor Sequencer Component's options

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 25, 2022

This a regression Event Track option is missing from the +Track within the Actor Sequencer Component's options. ...

Compiling twice then pressing play/stop after creating a c++ Game Instance causes a crash

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Live Coding - Jan 24, 2022

This is not a regression. After creating a C++ based Game Instance the Editor crashes if you compile twice then play and stop. ...

Clients unable to control their character if GameMode/State is persisted through seamless travel

UE - Networking - Jan 24, 2022

Normally during seamless travel, the GameMode and GameState are only kept when traveling to the transition map, not when going from the transition map to the destination. If these actors are kept al ...

Size input box too narrow in UMG Widget Editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 24, 2022

Only 2 digits are visible in the size box that holds values between 1.0 and 0. Meaning most values will contain 3 digits. This is different from UE4 where more digits are visible. ...

UTextBlock::SetText doesn't work in global invalidation

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 24, 2022

This happens on consoles running in 4k so DPIScale would be 2x. The character between lines is just a newline (Shift + Enter in the text field in editor), the text is set with SetText, possibly a f ...

Variable watch within state machines is broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jan 21, 2022

Watching variables within states seems to be broken. See repro steps for details. ...

[Sequencer][Audio] - Soloing a nested audio track mutes all tracks

UE - Audio - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2022

When soloing an audio track in sequencer, all the tracks are muted and nothing in soloed. Attached video shows Mute working correctly followed by Solo not working[Link Removed] Cannot reproduce i ...