On Hit Events are inconsistent/inaccurate when using Substepping most notably at lower frames per a second

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 9, 2021

This is a regression Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Binary //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary Under the same conditions in UE4 the On Hit events fire accurately and as expect ...

Replicated Struct with TMap property cannot compile even with custom NetSerialize

UE - Networking - Dec 9, 2021

While TMaps are not supported for replication, previously one workaround for this was to wrap the TMap property in a container struct. Users could then implement a custom NetSerialize function for t ...

GetStaticMeshViewport() is called without checking if it returns a valid viewport causing the Editor to crash

UE - Editor - Dec 9, 2021

This is not a regression. Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Binary //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary //UE5/Release-5.0 CL18407655 Personal P4 When opening a static mesh without ...

Double clicking the thumbnail for a TSoftObjectPtr to a UWorld will load the level without prompting the user to save

UE - Editor - Dec 6, 2021

Currently, double clicking on a thumbnail for a SoftObjectPtr to a UWorld will load that level in the level editor without checking if the current world is dirty or prompting to save. This can resul ...

Level Object value is lost when a new level is loaded using the same BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 2, 2021

First discovered this on Linux in //UE5/Main. In the repro, you play from level 2; if you opened Level 1 and played from there, the same outcome would occur. LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [Clien ...

The showdebug abilitysystem command crashes editor when the target is a child actor

UE - Gameplay - Dec 2, 2021

An actor with an AbilitySystemComponent that is spawned by a ChildActorComponent will have a null AbilityActorInfo. This leads to a crash in the ASC when GetDebugTarget attempts to access AbilityAct ...

Multiple Blueprint compilation passes required to fix up event binding to dispatcher after event rename

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 30, 2021

Renaming a custom event bound to an event dispatcher via a Create Event node requires two compilation passes to fix up the binding.  upd. Regression was checked on //UE4/Release-4.26 CL 15973114, i ...

[Audio Analysis][Ensure] - Sound Submix Spectral Analyzer Delegate Throws Ensure when Analysis Started Before the Delegate is Added

UE - Audio - Nov 25, 2021

Hit the following Ensure when trying to use the Spectrum Analyser. Also hit this in 4.26 so it doesn't appear to be a regression. Occurs with any of the following Band Settings or when creating you ...