[Audio Capture] - Editor crashes when activating an Audio Capture component when there are no active input or output devices avilable

UE - Audio - Aug 12, 2022

If a device has no available input or output devices, activating an Audio Capture component will cause the device to crash. Occurs in Editor and Runtime. Assertion failed: NumTotalFrames > 0 [File:E ...

Physical Material Masks do not work in non-editor builds

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 12, 2022

Physical material masks are not working as expected in cooked builds. Licensee reports that the mask data is empty at runtime. ...

Editor-only blueprints like WidgetBlueprint are not added to cooked asset registry class hierarchy

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 10, 2022

Both the Asset Registry and Asset Manager look for all subclasses of UBlueprintCore and use that to search for blueprint classes and construct an inheritance hierarchy. This always works in editor b ...

Static mesh material slots incorrect when upgrading project from UE4 to UE5

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Aug 9, 2022

Licensee reporting material slots being incorrectly assigned when loading an asset created in UE4 into UE5 via an upgraded project. ...

Client may receive failure message before ClientTravel RPC during non-seamless travel

UE - Networking - Aug 9, 2022

See linked UDN for more info. When a server initiates a non-seamless travel, it will inform any connected clients by sending the reliable ClientTravelInternal RPC. After a delay (controlled by Serve ...

[AI] NavModifierComponent includes non-navigation relevant primitive components in its navigation bounds calculation.

UE - AI - Navigation - Aug 8, 2022

If an actor contains multiple primitive components, it uses all of them for calculating navigation bounds even if some of the primitives are not marked as navigation relevant. Toggling navigation re ...

[MetaSounds][Wave Player] - Looping sound waves is not sample accurate

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 8, 2022

When playing the two metronome sounds, it is expected that when the 1bar asset loops, it will stay in time with the 12 bar asset; however, instead phasing begins to occur. This does not occur when ...

Bad cast in editor utility widget when casting to Movie Scene Property Track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 3, 2022

When reloading utility widgets the Movie Scene Property Track seems to be unrecognized causing cast nodes to become invalid. ...

Subcategories in Visual Logger do not Remember Open/Closed State

UE - AI - Aug 2, 2022

Within the actor snapshot area, you can categorize information into different sub-trees, each of which are expandable. However as you scrub through the timeline and new events happen, any sub-catego ...

Developer Folders Visible Due to Legacy Path Filters

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Aug 2, 2022

The Other Developers folder is comparing against the virtual path of a file to see if it starts with "/Game/Developers", but the virtual paths of all the developer folders start with "/All/Game/Deve ...