Decal actor's decal size is rendered with double length

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 4, 2022

Licensees have reported that they want to specify the Size in the same unit as cube on level. Looking at the engine, it seems that the Decal Size is currently set as the half size of the Box. [Imag ...

When the default values of Instanced variables are changed in Blueprint, the variables of actors on the level don't follow the default values

UE - Gameplay - Sep 20, 2022

When the default value of an Instanced variable defined in C++ is changed, it is not reflected in the default value of an Actor placed on a Level. In the reproduction procedure, when the default v ...

SubCategory of UFUNCTION does NOT work properly if using CallInEditor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 20, 2022

If you use both Category hierarchy and CallInEditor in UFUNCTION, it will result in an unintended sequence as shown below. [Image Removed] And, the following code can solve this issue void FDetai ...

3D Transformation Widget Unusable at Very Large Scales

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Sep 13, 2022

When using a Transformation Widget in a Blueprint, the size of the widget seems to be some kind of product of size in screen space, object scale, and the transform widget scale that makes it much to ...

BP multi-level inheritance does not correctly inherit 'Static' mobility

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2022

User reported an issue of a mesh not being visible when a project has multi-level blueprint inheritance. After reproing, I believe the root cause is DefaultSceneRoot of the grandchild BP class not c ...

New Viewport Resolution setting increases every time a new PIE window is launched

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 2, 2022

When closing a PIE viewport, we write the size back to the New Viewport Resolution setting in case the window was resized during play. However, we do not account for the window border, and write bac ...

Blueprint added component get reordered when editing properties on them

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 1, 2022

It's hard to say if this actually a UX issue specifically tied to component editing, or a broader issue with UX. Either way, we should triage the problem and work from there. ...

[AI] Debug Render Scene Proxy hits ensure for registering a delegate twice during level streaming.

UE - AI - Debugging - Aug 31, 2022

Description from licensee: We're seeing an ensure get tripped up in FDebugRenderSceneProxy that says "DrawDelegate is already Registered!". Debugging the issue, we have confirmed that the DrawDeleg ...

Platform-specific defines not picked up by Intellisense

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Aug 31, 2022

With the way PLATFORM_XSX, PLATFORM_PS5 etc. are defined, it seems intellisense doesn't know about them, because the .vcxproj only references the Win64 version of Definitions.h, and they are defined ...

Pose watches don't display correctly with compatible skeletons

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 19, 2022

"Hello, we've found a quirk with ABP's pose watch and compatible skeletons. Same setup as above. We have skeleton A as the base and skeleton B as a compatible skeleton. They both share similar hiera ...