Duplicated function in BP editor is categorized differently from copy/paste

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 30, 2023

From licensee: If I create a function in a Blueprint Interface or Blueprint Function Library and leave it in the Default category, it shows up in the "All Actions for this Blueprint" menu under "Cl ...

HoloLens auto-enabling as a supported platform in 5.1

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 30, 2023

https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/case/5004z00001n9MUWAA2/hololens-cannot-be-permanently-disabled-as-a-target-platform?fromCase=1 They disable hololens as a supported target platform, but it is enab ...

UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() does NOT work properly in Editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2023

UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() returns nullptr on Editor, so user can't use any function using WorldContext and Subsystem. The following code change may fix this issue UWorld* UMovieSceneTra ...

Renaming a variable on a Blueprint will reset that variable's value on any Child BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2023

If a variable is renamed on a blueprint, then any child blueprints will lose their default values for that variable and reset to the parent's default value. This resetting only happens with the Chi ...

XR Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 24, 2023

Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement [Link Removed] Reporting that reflection captures lag because they happen before late update is applied. Includes an experimental patch that fi ...

Interchange: Ensure in InterchangeManager when exiting the editor in game mode

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 24, 2023

> UnrealEditor-InterchangeEngine-Win64-Debug.dll!UInterchangeManager::StartQueuedTasks::__l2::<lambda>() Line 861 C++  UnrealEditor-InterchangeEngine-Win64-Debug.dll!DispatchCheckVerify<bool,bool ...

AGV Condition Proxies ignore moving actors

Audio-Gameplay-Engineering - Mar 24, 2023

Sounds attached to moving actors do not appear to be respecting custom AGV conditions. ...

Crashes when playing Slomo on NiagaraSystem with Solo and DesiredAge.

UE - Niagara - Mar 23, 2023

When Slomo 2 is used to speed up the process, TicksToProcess is greater than 1, which means that ManualTick is called several times during one loop.  When playback is completed by a ManualTick in t ...