Reset of bone proxy in anim editors detail panels doesn't re-enable live update of tranforms

UE - Anim - Runtime - Feb 23, 2023

The bone proxy details customization for the animation editors doesn't currently reset modifications correctly.  When a transform channel is modified and then reset, the bone proxy doesn't start liv ...

OSS Null won't find multiple LAN sessions hosted by a single instance

UE - Online - Feb 22, 2023

This happens because of how FLANSession::Tick will handle receiving multiple response packets from a single host. FLANSession will cache the ResponseGuids of any incoming host response packets, so i ...

Overriding Component class does not work properly in grandchild class BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 22, 2023

If you set ComponentClass override in child class BP and grandchild class BP respectively, it is ignored in grandchild class. This issue is probably related to [Link Removed]. The fix for [Link Rem ...

ARecastNavMesh.bPerformVoxelFiltering doesn't seem to be working

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 21, 2023

ARecastNavMesh.bPerformVoxelFiltering doesn't seem to be working anymore. ...

Duplicating a Blueprint with a function call node connected to a variable of the source Blueprint type results in a compile error in the duplicated asset.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 21, 2023

If a Blueprint asset contains a function call node for which the referenced function context is set to 'self', if the "Target" pin is connected to a type that equates to the owning Blueprint asset ( ...

depth calculation is not functioning properly on mobile ES 3.1 preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 21, 2023

In 5.1.1, the depth calculation is not functioning properly on mobile ES 3.1 preview, resulting in reflections occurring in areas where they should not. When checking with RenderDoc in ES 3.1 Previ ...

Global Distance Field Not Working With World->SetNewWorldOrigin

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Feb 20, 2023

mobile DOF setting is not applied when play on standalone mode

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 20, 2023

In 5.0, the mobile depth of field settings were correctly reflected when running standalone. However, in 5.1, the DOF doesn't appear to be working correctly and the focus is off, causing a blurry im ...

OnComponentHit Event is not triggered when hit by a spawned actor with simulate physics enabled for WheeledVehiclePawn with BoxCollison

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 20, 2023

BoxCollison's OnComponentHit event is not triggered when BoxCollison hits a spawned actor with simulate physics enabled. The event is triggered if the same actor has been placed in the level beforeh ...