Foot Placement tries to step on vertical surfaces

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 31, 2023

From a community member: Are you responsible also for the FootPlacement node? Its fantastic, but there is a possible bug with the walkable surface handling. It tries to step even on vertical surfac ...

Ensure/failure when changing the class of a scene component that has bVisualizeComponent enabled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 20, 2023

Failure occurs at compile time during GC when the replacement component that we create is being destroyed. This component includes the BillboardComponent instance that's attached to the scene compon ...

Unable to edit double variable in property matrix

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 2, 2023

Since UE5.0, cannot edit double variables in property matrix. In UE4.27, it worked correctly and could be edited from the property matrix. This is because double variables are not supported in SProp ...

Collision between physicalized actors and instanced static meshes produce warnings.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 25, 2023

Collision between an instanced static mesh and a physics simulating actor (with "simulation generates hits events" enabled) results in the following warning: LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler en ...

Crashes occur when creating a static texture from a non-HDR Cube Render Target in DirectX12

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Sep 11, 2023

While working with DirectX 12 in the project settings, the editor crashes by check() code when attempting to create a static texture from a non-HDR Cube Render Target asset. This crash doesn't occur ...

The Blueprint compiler is not consistent with UHT when generating DefaultToInstanced variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 7, 2023

UnrealHeaderTool and the Blueprint compiler generate inconsistent metadata for object reference variables whose underlying class type includes 'DefaultToInstanced' metadata. UnrealHeaderTool-genera ...

Blueprint "Set by ref" (UK2Node_VariableSetRef) does not mark properties dirty for push replication

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 7, 2023

When using Push Replication with blueprints, UK2Node_VariableSetRef nodes do not mark a property as dirty and so the variable is not replicated. ...

Volumetric lightmap + stationary light has missing shadows

UE - Rendering Architecture - Sep 5, 2023

Primitives with the "Lightmap Type" set to "Force Volumetric" are not shadowed correctly. Issue dates back to at least 4.27.2. As a workaround, making FLightCacheInterface::GetStaticInteraction al ...

UAssetImportTask::bReplaceExisting is not supported with interchange

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 25, 2023

Add this code to a function you call from a blue utility widget or any other way to start the import with this code.TArray<UAssetImportTask*> ImportTasks; for (int32 i = 0; i < cFC.Files.Num(); i++) ...