
Specular highlights can disappear with clearcoat materials, when "Clear Coat Enable Second Normal" is enabled ("r.ClearCoatNormal").

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the Licensee test project and open (see addl. info URL)
2. Open the level sequence "/Game/SpecularDisappearing/LevelSequence/DemoAnim"
3. Select the Camera to see its preview, and play the sequence.
4. Observe the large fuzzy specular highlight disappears as the difference between the surface normal and the camera vector increases. (Front blue sphere and both back spheres)
5. Observe that, for non-nanite meshes, having anything connected to the Anisotropy output resolves the issue (Front green sphere)

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ComponentUE - Rendering Architecture
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJan 11, 2024
UpdatedApr 25, 2024
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