When editing a level with many actors (1000+), deleting an actor results in a noticeable hitch: the editor becomes unresponsive for seconds. This hitch becomes longer the more actors are loaded and ...
There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...
Users can enter blueprint function names without spaces, for example PascalCase (MyFunctionName) or snake_case (my_function_name). The "My Blueprint" tab functionality for naming functions allow all ...
As dedicated server does not have viewport, USkinnedMeshComponent::BoneTransformUpdateMethodQueue array keeps growing and never clear. ...
Reported by multiple users. When in a networked session a GameplayEffect is automatically removed due to:a tag being added that's not allowed, or (TargetTagRequirements.RemovalTagRequirements.MustHa ...
In UE5.2, there seems to be a problem with the initialization of the reloaded LevelSequenceActor. SequencePlayer->Initialize is not called in ALevelSequenceActor::InitializePlayer() and Tick regist ...
A GameplayAbility that destroys its owning actor inside ActivateAbility() causes a crash, because actor destruction will modify the ability list but ActivateAbility() is called within an ABILITYLIST ...
The async execution from within the context menu state is not cancelled properly when closing the context menu. This means that when rapidly opening and closing context menus there will be corruptio ...
Some of the state in the View Changes menu is cached and never updated. This menu should respond to external actor label renames in the Outliner and files being moved on disk. ...
Normal variables with gameplay tag defaults will show up in the reference viewer.Other reference types used as a local variable default value will show up in the reference viewer correctly. ...