Unable to affect setting cubemap blend in skyLight and reflections on transluscent materials

UE - Rendering Architecture - Oct 17, 2023

Attempting to blend SkyLight Cubemaps via the SetCubemapBlend function to blend between different Cubemaps to make the changes seamless is not reflected. As a workaround, in LumenTracingCommon.ush, ...

Using the end of the curve as a weighted tangent does not yield the expected value.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 16, 2023

When changing the tangent value, the last value is sometimes not 1.0 [Reproduce sample project] [Link Removed] ...

Montage Editor calls NotifyEnds of AnimNotifyState even when paused

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 13, 2023

In the Animation Montage Editor, NotifyEnd is unexpectedly called when a time marker is in the middle of an AnimNotifyState and the animation preview gets paused. Because the Animation Montage Edito ...

Compiling Blueprints breaks socketed attachments of actors attached to non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 12, 2023

When blueprints are compiled, instances of those blueprints have their attachments detached and then reattached. Reattachments always occur on the RootComponent regardless of which component they we ...

Hitting a breakpoint in widget blueprint while running PIE with Selected Viewport mode blocks entire editor rendering

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Oct 6, 2023

This problem does not occur when running PIE with New Editor Window mode. ...

Display bug in "View Changes" window causes pending file list to disappear

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 6, 2023

The list view containing the files operated on by source control is missing a few hooks to refresh its contents, which can result in the view being delayed or inaccurate. ...

WatchEnumProperty() node failing to find Enum property in tool property set

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - GeometryScripting - Oct 5, 2023

Within a UEditorScriptableClickDragTool tool, when attempting to watch the changes of an UENUM property using WatchEnumProperty() node, the property will never be able to be found during FindValid ...

UBlueprintEditorLibrary::RemoveUnusedVariables doesn't treat the implicit target of an Event nodes as used

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2023

UBlueprintEditorLibrary::RemoveUnusedVariables removes (object) variables from a blueprint even if that blueprint graph had Event nodes that are bound "inline" to that object variable. For example: ...

Fracture Tool - Popup menu for tree items on the Geometry Collection Outliner is missing the option "Static" for setting "Initial Dynamic State"

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Oct 4, 2023

As reported by the customer in the related UDN case, when right-clicking a tree item on the Geometry Collection Outliner inside the Fracture Tool, the popup menu should display 4 options for setting ...