Unable to Create New Niagara User Parameter After Deletion without Niagara Editor Window Restart

UE - Niagara - Scripting - Apr 22, 2024

When a user deletes a Niagara User Parameter within the Niagara System editor window, attempting to create a new parameter with the same name immediately after deletion results in an error. Despite ...

Blueprint Add Custom Event unable to resolve delegate signature inside a split struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2024

This issue occurs when a static function is created and has a struct parameter that has a delegate exposed to blueprint. When using the helper function in blueprint after having used "Split Struct ...

Lumen artifacts on splitscreen during camera cuts

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Apr 18, 2024

A UDN licensee has pointed out that they are seeing unresolved Lumen reflection artifacts when they are running their game in split-screen mode. A video of this behavior is found in the Related tab ...

Enabling SunPosition engine plugin causes a missing file warning in a packaged build

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Apr 18, 2024

Licensee noted that editor-only code from the Sun Position Calculator engine plugin was causing a warning in packaged builds. A similar issue was reported for 4.22 [Link Removed], but this appears t ...

Breakpoint on SetText node in WBP PreConstruct triggers editor hang on save

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 17, 2024

A user reported that when calling SetText on a text widget in a widget blueprint's PreConstruct causes an editor hang when you put a breakpoint on SetText and attempt to save the asset. The issue i ...

Opening Sprite assets or Paper Flipbook crashes the engine in 5.3

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 16, 2024

Licensee was not able to open any Sprite asset file in 5.3 without it causing a crash. They were able to avoid this by disabling raytracing in the project. ...

CineCameraActor ActorToTrack property cannot be set to a spawnable actor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 15, 2024

In the repro, the first selection is not spanable, but the ActorToTrack is set correctly at this time. When trying to select a spawnable actor, it cannot set it to ActorToTrack.  When using the eye ...

Opening a Level inside the ReferenceViewer does not Prompt the Save window if the Level is dirty.

UE - Editor - Applied Usability - Apr 15, 2024

If you right click on a level node in the reference viewer and choose edit, it will bypass prompting you to save unsaved changes in your current level, silently discarding all unsaved work. ...

Pointer being freed was not allocated on IOS with MallocBinned2

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 15, 2024

Slack thread [Link Removed] Probably related to the same issue seen on Android, explained here: [Link Removed] ...