Clear Coat looks incorrect in the Preview when Energy Conservation on Material is enabled for non Substrate rendering

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 11, 2024

Enabling Energy Conservation on Material makes Clear Coat Material look weird in Preview. It looks fine in the Level Editor, but not in any "Preview" type viewport (Material Editor, Asset Thumbnails ...

BP hierarchy change triggers incorrect map actor load warning: AttachTo: '{0}' is not static {1}, cannot attach '{2}' which is static to it.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2024

When a blueprint's component hierarchy is changed by changing a child component's mobility value to Static while deleting its parent component which has Movable mobility, levels saved with an outdat ...

[Substrate] Workaround for DXC problem with roll unlooping

UE - Graphics Features - Substrate - Apr 8, 2024

We should get to the bottom of this workaround and revert it eventually.  Reported here: [Link Removed]  ...

IME does not work in EditableTextBox in WidgetComponent

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 5, 2024

WidgetComponent controls widgets through VirtualWindow, but VirtualWindow does not have HWND, so IME cannot be enabled. The following workaround enables IME activation. void FSlateEditableTextLay ...

Editor Crash when changing Default Properties of a TArray of UStucts containing an InlineEditConditionToggle property in Blueprint Parent Class

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 5, 2024

This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...

GAS PlayMontageAndWait: Server applies root motion with wrong scale at last montage tick

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Apr 3, 2024

User reported: when playing an AnimMontage via GameplayAbility with the PlayMontageAndWait ability task that has a custom value for AnimRootMotionTranslationScale, (dedicated) servers can apply an i ...

Poor performance when Player Collision view mode active in City Sample

UE - Simulation - Debug Tools - Apr 2, 2024

The Editor become unresponsive and then has very low frame rates after activating the Player Collision view mode in the Small_City_LVL and Large_City_LVL maps in the CitySample project. The curre ...

TakeRecorder cannot record Auto Activate and Destroy of Niagara effect

UE - Niagara - Apr 1, 2024

When Niagara FX of a recording actor is spawned during taking a record, that FX behavior must be recorded and able to be playbacked. However, Niagara Component Auto Activation by BP node is not reco ...

CommonUI Analog Cursor + Enhanced Input triggers cause triggers to get stuck when alt-tabbing

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 29, 2024

Came out of [Link Removed] and is related to this one too I think that this is signaling that we need better solutions for input consumption in the engine honestly. This is a constant pain point ...