Jitter playing animation on actor located far from origin

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 12, 2024

A licensee has reported an issue with jitter when playing animations on an actor translated far from the origin (300000.0 units).  This repros on the First Person Template.  The issue is more obviou ...

Water reflections and GI flicker in 5.4 and 5.3 (fine in 5.2)

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 7, 2024

Since 5.3 customers have been reporting flicker with water surfaces, demonstrating that in 5.2 this flicker is not present. [Link Removed] ...

Enhanced Input Action Key Remapping maps old mapping over incoming mapping in an unintuitive way

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 7, 2024

On EnhancedInputSubsystemInterface.cpp:1040, RebuildControlMappings has a check to preserve mappings for identical action key maps. In most cases, this appears to work correctly; however, in the cas ...

When an active Niagara Component is moved and reset+reactivated in the same frame, "Interpolated Spawning" causes "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" to spawn particles in the previous frame's outdated location

UE - Niagara - Mar 6, 2024

Consider a Niagara System with an Emitter in "Global Space" that has "Interpolated Spawning" active and a "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" module with a "Spawn Time" of 0.0 (for example, the built-in Con ...

TakeRecorder does not add a track to a level sequence when niagara FX is spawned

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 5, 2024

In UTakeRecorderActorSource::EnsureObjectTemplateHasComponent() function, MakeUniqueObjectName() generates the same name of a component which CachedObjectTemplate for TakeRecorder has already had. T ...

"Override Function" search box in the Blueprint Editor does not match actual function name (only its display name)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 5, 2024

This is a quality-of-life issue for UE users. The issue was also detailed by the UDN user in a video in the linked UDN case. The Blueprint Editor provides an "Override Function" functionality in th ...

When duplicating multiple actors with alt+drag, Translation/Rotation widget goes to incorrect coordinate space

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 4, 2024

Note: This bug has been observed in all tested engine versions, from UE 4.24 to UE 5.3 and in ue-main. When shift+selecting multiple actors in the Level Editor, the currently-active transformation ...

RenderTrace fatal error, shader expected a uniform buffer at slot 1...

UE - Rendering Architecture - Mar 4, 2024

RenderTrace plugin does not appear to have been updated for a change that moved the GPUScene out of the View buffer to its own uniform buffer. (CL 24027890) The test project is based on FirstPerson ...

Recent change to Material Expression code missing a case for "exp2" function in switch (cpp)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Mar 4, 2024

The function "FMaterialDerivativeAutogen::GetFunc1ReturnType(...)" does not have a case for "EFunc1::Exp2". Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 331987674 ...