Overriding CreateSceneProxy function from PrimitiveSceneProxy for a custom class no longer renders in 5.4 even though the same code is working in 5.3. ...
When a material with WPO effects and MaxWorldPositionOffsetDisplacement is applied to a foliage mesh, foliage applied to a map will no longer work as expected with density scaling, especially after ...
In a static lighting environment, moving static objects no longer marks the built lighting as invalid. This prevents the on-screen warning from appearing. Regression introduced in CL: 25964466 on / ...
When a specific configuration of HDR cvars are set, PIE in a New Editor Window will not render the game world. Settings (For DefaultEngine.ini): ```[SystemSettings] r.AllowHDR=1 r.HDR.Display.Color ...
Up to UE 5.0, when the "Object Position" node is used in the Material Editor as part of a material with Light Function domain, attempting to compile the material results in the following error: "[SM ...
When a LocalFogVolume is used with ExponentialHeightFog, it does not correctly fog translucent objects. ExponentialHeightFog and Volumetric Fog from a LocalFogVolume both correctly occlude transluc ...
DistanceFieldAOHistory introduces ghosting at low scalability and low screen percentages. This can lead to AO artifacts and a ghosting effect from the character. This issue was also observed on //U ...
The bandwidth on the biquad loepass filter is cutting frequencies well below 20kHz when the bandwidth is 1.0. Slack convo: [Link Removed] Visualization:[Image Removed] ...