It would seem that updating a material does not update the associated platform stats in a material instance editor, only the parameters. Can workaround by manually invoking shader compile in the ma ...
In some situations, it can be useful to have a replicated editor-only C++ property (For example, the user that reported this issue was attempting to replicate settings to the client for game designe ...
When diffing a blueprint in the Perforce changelist reviewer in-editor (Review Changelists), if the blueprint references an asset that does not exist locally but rather exists as a newly added asset ...
Hi, with adding additional plugins, etc. to our project, we have encountered an issue with registering too many asset categories, such as: LogAssetTools: Warning: RegisterAssetTypeCategory("Water", ...
When importing an asset like a Texture asset using the steps mentioned in the Repro steps, the imported asset does not have the correct relative path listed under the newly-created asset's "Source F ...
When UMaterialInstanceConstant::UpdateCachedData() updates CachedExpressionData.PropertyConnectedMask for material instances with layers incorrectly, it can lead to various graphical issues includin ...
Shadow depths performance for non-VSM in certain scenes, notably those with rect lights and meshes that are set to movable, went from ~2ms to ~18ms going from UE 5.3 to UE 5.4. Setting the movable a ...
Setting the Phase Count of a RetainerBox to 2 or more may cause other widgets within the same UserWidget to flicker. Upon investigation, we found that during frames where the flickering occurs, the ...
Lumen GI has temporal flickering/noise after running the Editor for 3+ days. ...
The UPaperSprite::BakedSourceTexture will be nullptr in a packaged game if the sprite is not referenced by the UGameInstance. The attached sample project demonstrates this scenario. ...