Level Instances appear at the origin on Linux cooks

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 14, 2024

Level Instances are spawned in the origin (0,0,0) after making a packaged build in Linux ...

Ortho near plane clips geometry in Editor Top view

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 9, 2024

When the viewport is in Top (ortho) Lit mode the near plane clips through geometry as you zoom the view in and out. ...

Material base color is lighter on Nanite meshes when using 16-bit GBuffer

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Aug 6, 2024

The base color is brighter on Nanite meshes than non-Nanite meshes when GBuffer Format is set to "Force 16-bits per channel" (r.GBufferFormat 5) even though the meshes are using the same material. ...

Geometry with Static Shadow Invalidation Behaviour being written into invalidated VSM Pages

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Jul 17, 2024

Geometry that has its "Shadow Cache Invalidation Behavior" set to "Static" will still draw in the dynamic shadow cache when it is experiencing WPO ...

Navmesh blocking representation for cylinders is wrongly offset when the mesh has IsDynamicObstacle=true

UE - AI - Navigation - Jul 16, 2024

In a mesh asset, setting Navigation>IsDynamicObstacle=true will make the Navigation / Cylinder Collision projection appear in a wrong position. As described in the case, the fix should reside in Na ...

Different CRC32 Results for Repeated Hashing of UStaticMesh

UE - Foundation - Jul 15, 2024

1. Download the Licensee repro, compile, and open:https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/contentdocument/069QP00000CdN7WYAV 2. Press the first hatched button on the top bar, next to the Platforms dropdown. ...

Broken TextureTest BP in Landmass plugin base content

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Jul 15, 2024

It appears that the Landmass plugin has a content dependency on the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes plugin. If the BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes is not loaded, then the blueprint "/Landmass/Landscape ...

Custom node not working with material attributes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 15, 2024

Using Material Attributes as an input to a Custom Expression causes the HLSL Translator to create multiple CustomExpression# functions, for each used member of the Material Attributes, rather than u ...

crash at checkUERenderCommandPipeIsReplaying in RenderScenecpp

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jul 15, 2024

Drawing a material to a render target when that material samples an RVT can cause an editor crash. In our testing, the check() did not always occur on the first PIE session, but would always occur ...

UE5.4 Regression - crash when disabling shader optimization while raytracing is enabled on D3D12

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jul 15, 2024

Certain interactions between a Rect Light with a Light Function and a Post-Process volume lead to a check() when compiling a Ray Tracing PSO for tracing lights. This check() only happens when shader ...