In UE5.5(final), when adding plugin from an older version of Unreal to a BP project, we are informed that the "Engine Modules are out of date, and cannot be compiled while the engine is running. Ple ...
SAnalogSlider calculates FastestStepTime by multiplying the step size value by a constant, resulting in high numbers for larger step sizes. This gets lerped from 1 and used as the repeat time, resul ...
UCharacterMovementComponent::ReplicateMoveToServer checks IsReplicatingMovement before sending moves to the server, but the server does not check IsReplicatingMovement when processing these received ...
For instances that are not a dedicated client or dedicated server (e.g. packaged games with TargetType "Game"), GIsClient will be true, but GIsServer will be false. This leads to objects that retur ...
Reproduction rate: 5/5 Regression check: No, this also occurs in 5.4.2. Please note that this issue only reproduces with the Gamepad Face Button Bottom and does not occur for any other gamepad butt ...
A dark square appears in the direction of a spotlight on hair when the spotlight has no shadow. [Image Removed] In UE 5.4 the dark square is visible when the spotlight has no shadow, and a light s ...
Reproduction Attempts: 3/3 Doing some additional testing for Spawnable Post Process Volumes in a level sequence, the PPV does not appear after saving the level and level sequence, closing and reope ...
Calling "FStaticMeshCompiler::FinishCompilation" on multiple assets simultaneously can cause a hang. Also tested on //UE5/Release-5.5, CL: 36784631 ...
Mesh Painting Texture Paint tool can miss some pixels along UV seams, even with "Enable Seam Painting" set to True. This appears to be because of the difference between rasterization and sampling. ...
When selecting an asset in a level instance that is being edited via LevelInstance/Edit, the silhouette of the object is visible through occluding nanite meshes. This has the effect of disabling th ...