Crash on map change with non-null values for GPropertyColorationClass and request customizable property coloration color

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 7, 2023

This was found by a customer through a UDN, and they offered the fix for it, as well. The basic steps to reproduce the crash are as follows:call GEditor->SetPropertyColorationTarget(...) somewhere i ...

Force front x imported asset incorrectly display axis for thumbnail and default editor camera

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 12, 2021

Thumbnail can be fix by (Quote from UDN) "adjusting OrbitYaw of the ThumbnailInfo for the +X-facing skeletal mesh" Persona Editors can be fix by (Quote from UDN) "setting SkeletalMesh->SetHasCustom ...

AI Perception Not Showing Up in Debugger

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

AI Perception does not seem to be showing up in the debugger. The same setup functioned as expected in 4.11.2 binary, but upon converting the project to 4.12 Preview 4 binary, no debug information w ...

UIpNetDriver::ProcesRemoteFunction warnings appear for ShooterGame clients when switching weapons

UE - Networking - Nov 5, 2015

The following warnings appear in the output log for ShooterGame clients when switching weapons. [2015.11.05-19.41.11:550][253]LogNet:Warning: UIpNetDriver::ProcesRemoteFunction: No owning connectio ...

Changing the case of any node with a String input will not be saved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2016

Changing the case of any node with a String input will not be saved User Description: Changing case of any string input in BP not accepted But the problem is still happened on any string input of ...

Editor will crash on attempt to load a previously-saved Blueprint asset with a serialized default subobject containing a serialized static array of two or more nested subobject instances.

A crash will result if a Blueprint class that's based on a native C++ class containing two or more nested, explicitly-instanced subobjects referenced by a fixed-size object array property are serial ...

Crash when ribbons use delayed spawn particle as source.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 3, 2015

User has found bug but has a working fix. Verify fix and implement in engine. ...

WASM HTML5 Runs out of Memory in Chrome versions 58+ on Windows

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 5, 2017

We were seeing out-of-memory errors when launching on Chrome version 58 on Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit). After some investigation, the root cause appears to be a regression introduced in Chrome ...

Noise Node used in UI Material is rendering Black

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 15, 2016

The Noise Node when used in a UI Material is rendering completely black in 4.11. This is a Regression from Behavior in 4.10.2 It looks like the Noise Node (at least form the preview of the noise i ...

Set world or relative rotation on a child component sets the wrong rotation

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 21, 2018

Unexpected results from setting relative rotation on child of child in BP. Also confirmed in Main CL 4302610 "I have found that changing this code from RelativeRotationCache . RotatorToQuat (NewRe ...