PrimaryAssetLabel Assets are getting stripped from ShooterGame on the Launcher

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Aug 7, 2017

PrimaryAssetLabel assets are missing when creating the project through the UE4Launcher, they exist in Source builds. The ShooterGame PrimaryAssetLabel assets were created in 4.16 so this is not a r ...

Unreal Studio: Multi User Viewer Template Menu: Next Arrow Bug

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 11, 2018

"There's a bug with the menu where you cant get to the next step (server browser or host) when you have a VR headset plugged and available. The "Next_Btn" button is greyed out on the last step. You ...

Spring Arm rotation only prints Yaw after 4.17 conversion

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2017

Spring Arm rotation only prints Yaw after 4.17 conversion. In 4.16 it would print the Yaw, Pitch, and Rotation as expected. The spring arm by itself prints the rotation correctly but once a camera ...

iOS Metal-based build crashes at launch with sub-levels.

Tools - May 16, 2016

Application crashes when deploying a game to iOS with Metal enabled. This has only been reproduced if a sub-level has been added to the starting level within the project. This seems to only happen ...

Actor Component instances have their settings reset to default when compiled in 4.17 (Compilation Manager)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 10, 2017

REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.16 When converting a 4.16 project to 4.17, any actor component instances will have their settings reverted back to default when the user compiles the blueprint. ...

Deterministic cooking issue caused by ParticleModuleTypeDataGPU

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2021

This problem is similar to the following case. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] It seems to have been fixed in 4.16, but the licensee reported it in 4.25. ...

Crash in Nativized Packaged Game When Overriding Server Event and Calling Parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Aug 15, 2017

A crash is occurring in a nativized packaged game when overriding a server event and calling the parent's implementation in a derived class. The crash doesn't seem to produce a detailed callstack. ...

ShooterGame: Unable to Find Hosted Match over Wi-Fi on Android

UE - Networking - Jul 27, 2018

Android devices cannot find a hosted match over Wi-Fi (IPv4) from another Android device despite being connected to the same Wi-Fi network with matching subnets. The host prints the following messa ...

iOS/tvOS fails to build from source editor built with Xcode 9.3, macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 2, 2018

Trying to launch on or package for TVOS or iOS from a source build of Mac or Windows will fail with errors:[2018.04.02-16.35.08:522][634]LogPlayLevel: In file included from /Volumes/Storage/GitHub ...

World Partition Converter- Soft object pointers to actors kept in scripted sublevels are incorrectly remapped to the main world during in place conversion

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Jul 1, 2022

From user:"We have ran into an issue with soft object pointer fixup/remapping with the World Partition converter. If you have a sublevel that contains a level script and an actor that is hard refer ...