LandscapeComponent generates incorrect OccluderVertices for software occlusion

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 17, 2019

OccluderVertices didn't consider the subsection's transition, so the position of the OcclusderVertices are not correct. I made a fix as follows: [Image Removed] [Image Removed] ...

Volumetric fog rendering gets cut off at the apex for some spot lights when viewed from certain angles

UE - Rendering Architecture - Apr 19, 2023

Fix is found in licensee’s pull request: ...

ProfileGPU console command crashes Daydream applications

UE - Platform - XR - May 8, 2017

Using the Profilegpu console command in a Daydream app causes the app to crash. Crash logs attached. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.14 ...

UnrealMatch3 ensures when launching on iOS

Docs - Samples - Aug 21, 2016

While running regression pass, found that UnrealMatch3 hits an ensure when user selects to Launch on to iOS device. LogOutputDevice:Error: The ini file '../../../UnrealMatch3/Saved/Config/IOS/Device ...

Niagara Fluids Grid3D_Gas_Explosion causes a crash

UE - Niagara - May 4, 2022

Placing Grid3D_Gas_Explosion into a level then packaging the level for windows will crash the packaged project. The package will give an error that it crashed while loading and quit.  This does not ...

Crash when using Consolas font on Android SDK 24

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 29, 2017

A licensee reported that using the Consolas font on Android will cause the game to crash. I've narrowed it down to only occurring in the Android 24 SDK and on the ASTC configuration. Using Android(A ...

Crash when playing a HapticFeedbackEffect_Soundwave

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 30, 2016

Array is -1 indexed, causing a crash. Fix is already in Dev-VR. Integrate to 4.13.1 (CL 3106922) ...

Using the Clean command in XCode prevents the editor from opening

UE - Platform - Apple - Nov 18, 2015

In XCode, if the Product->Clean option is used, the editor from the launcher will not open. Workaround: This can be fixed by running Verify from the Launcher. ...

Ensure condition failed: PrimitiveComponent tried to render with Material MaterialInstanceDynamic, which was not present in the component's GetUsedMaterials results

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 22, 2017

Top 10 ensure in 4.15. There was a fix submitted for [Link Removed] which was verified as following those steps to reproduce no longer causes this. ...

Moving Objects with Surface Snapping Enabled Causes Major Offset

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 16, 2019

When using surface snapping objects do not move properly.  4.23 CL# 7948402, 4.24 CL# 8012457 This is a regression. ...