Assertion failed occurs in VR when walking into water on QA-Waterworks map

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 20, 2021

Encountered a crash when testing shadows in QA-Waterworks map. I found an issue when walking into the water at the bottom for Example 2A, where it would crash upon entering the water. See screenshot ...

Array inputs on event dispatcher cause a compiler note.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 13, 2017

Looks related to [Link Removed], but it appears that something was overlooked. Probably requires a similar fix for the delegate node. ...

Child Animation Blueprints Do Not Get Recompiled Correctly

UE - Gameplay - Jan 7, 2020

The child of an animation blueprint is not properly recompiled when the it's parent is compiled. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 ...

All Vive Trackpad Inputs Send The Same Input

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 13, 2020

The vive trackpad inputs all read as the same input. Found in 4.24.1 Reproduced in 4.25 Main ...

Ensures cooking blueprints using functions that have delegate pins

UE - Foundation - Core - May 6, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 Cooking a project containing functions with delegate pins fails with multiple ensures. ...

Blackboard SelfActor key is not correctly being set

UE - AI - May 7, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 The Blackboard Self Actor key is not automatically getting set in the AI Controller. ...

Child Actor Components jitter around in blueprint viewport when dragged

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 18, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 Dragging a child actor component in the blueprint viewport results in it bouncing and jittering. ...

I get a compile error when using Particle SubUV nodes and tessellation.

UE - Niagara - Oct 6, 2021

I think tessellation will be discontinued in the future, but I will report it just in case. The licensee is not keen on fixing this problem. ...

Crash when getting input action value from a component

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 30, 2022

NOTE: I have been unable to repro this locally, but the crash is because of a null de-reference so we can at least add that to fix up the issue for them.  ...

Parameters end up associated with the wrong layer after certain material layer swaps

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 6, 2023

The licensee has also provided an explanation as to why this issue occurs + guidance for a potential fix. Please see the UDN for more details. ...