Integrat PhysX crash fixes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Aug 24, 2021

Ensure fires during nativized build while packaging for any BP class based on UAnimNotify

OLD - Anim - Oct 25, 2018

Cooking will fail while attempting to convert a non-data-only Blueprint class based on the native UAnimNotify class when Blueprint nativization is enabled. Workaround in lieu of a fix would be to e ...

Linux: UI scale is sometimes not 1.0 on non-high-DPI monitors

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 7, 2017

At the moment, UI scale is calculated on Linux from physical monitor dimensions (obtained ultimately from EDID) and not system scale. The granularity is 0.25, so scale can be 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.2 ...

Fix center of mass calculations with welding.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 25, 2016

Welding components uses precomputed weights for to determine center of mass for the actor. This can cause problems when users want to specify custom weights for certain components. ...

Fixing up GoogleVRHMD static analysis warning

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2016

[Line 1585] d:​\build​++ue4+release-4.14+compile​\sync​\engine​\plugins​\runtime​\googlevr​\googlevrhmd​\source​\googlevrhmd​\private​\googlevrhmdrender.cpp(42) : warning C6386: Buffer overrun while ...

Fix InstancedStaticMesh RemoveInstance invalidating indices

UE - Gameplay - Oct 26, 2016

When removing instances from an ISMC, indices / indexes returned from AddInstance will be invalidated. This can cause issues for users that want to do custom management of instances. Using something ...

Investigate/Fix incremental component unregister

UE - Gameplay - Mar 11, 2020

Streaming a level back in before it finishes streaming out behaves undesirably. When a level is streamed out the actors/components in the level are incrementally unregistered over multiple frames. ...

Crash when using UShaderCodeLibraryToolsCommandlet in 4.25

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 23, 2020

Fix primitive uniform buffer validation.

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 31, 2020

GPUScene primitive validation is currently busted and asserts. It looks like there are two problems: 1) NaN's in the entries can cause comparison issues, so a MemCmp would be better. 2) There's a ...

Fix TSR velocity extrusion on rotating

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 3, 2023