In the Anim Sequence Editor set a Notify's MontageTickType to be fixed to BranchingPoint if that Notify is a Native Branching Point

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 30, 2023

To avoid confusing users when working with a Native Branching Point Notify set its MontageTickType to be fixed to BranchingPoint.  ...

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8

UE - Content - Template - Mar 7, 2022

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8 instead of more recent documentation or updated videos. ...

Xcode 8 Beta Toolchain Breaks InfiltratorDemo on AMD On 10.11.6

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 27, 2016

InfiltratorDemo rendering is entirely broken on 10.11.6 using AMD GPUs when the shaders are compiled to byte code using the Xcode 8 Beta 2 toolchain. This does not appear to occur with the Xcode 7.3 ...

Cannot Package Game for Windows from External Drive on Windows 8.1 Boot Camp Mac

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 17, 2014

User is trying to package the xixoBerlinFlat Marketplace and cannot get a packged project from an external drive project on a Windows 8.1 x64 system running via Bootcamp on a Mac. ...

Upgrading a project from 4.7 to 4.8 will cause the character to load before the level in a packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Jun 22, 2015

After updating a project from 4.7 to 4.8 the character will be loaded first when the project has been packaged out. ...

"Fix root motion initial rotation handling" commit breaks root motion completely

OLD - Anim - Dec 18, 2014

Enabling and processing root motion causes animation to rotate the wrong direction. Roll instead of Yaw. Pitch instead of roll etc. This error does not occur in UE 4.6. ...

Fix the skeletal mesh merge tool material assignment, change the API to avoid confusion

OLD - Anim - Jul 25, 2018

UDN user ask us to change the API for the material to remove confusion with the material ID. Also apparently there is an issue with the skeletal mesh merge tool, the user did not give any repro ste ...

Level Bounds Incorrectly Calculated If Particle System Does Not Have "Use Fixed Relative Bounding Box" Enabled

UE - Niagara - Jul 26, 2018

If "Use Relative Fixed Bounding Box" is disabled, level bounds will be incorrectly calculated. This seems to be similar to [Link Removed]. Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4212847, 4.21 CL# 4233 ...

Crash converting code project 4.7 to 4.8 ; Array index out of Bounds

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 18, 2015

Some users are experiencing a crash when converting their project from 4.7 to 4.8. From user reports it appears to be affecting those who have added code to their projects and created blueprints bas ...