Distortion Displacement Track is empty in new level sequence using a distortion file with a framerate of 0

Docs - Samples - Aug 8, 2017

Distortion Displacement Track is empty in a new level sequence using a distortion file witha framerate of 0. ...

Scene Color node with UV input on a transparent material renders incorrectly in stereo

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 19, 2021

From Licensee: When we have Instanced Stereo enabled, all our materials that use Scene expression nodes (SceneDepth, SceneColor, etc...), render incorrectly in the right eye. It only happens to the ...

Post processing set to medium in engine scalability with bloom set to 0 causes color settings not work

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 25, 2016

Color effects appear not to work when post processing is set to medium and the bloom intensity is set to 0 ...

Build Error when using ENUM without 0 entry

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Nov 26, 2019

Unknown force is applied to the cloth when changing the skeletal mesh LoD with cloth.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 11, 2019

There are 3 issuesEach particles don't restore its previous position. Which is for calculating velocity by verlet iteration.The previous transform is cleared by current transform. It provides zero v ...

"Fix root motion initial rotation handling" commit breaks root motion completely

OLD - Anim - Dec 18, 2014

Enabling and processing root motion causes animation to rotate the wrong direction. Roll instead of Yaw. Pitch instead of roll etc. This error does not occur in UE 4.6. ...

StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].IndexBuffer empty in Standalone games.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 14, 2014

GetArrayView is returning incorrect values in Standalone games. The correct values are returned when played in Editor. ...

Fix the skeletal mesh merge tool material assignment, change the API to avoid confusion

OLD - Anim - Jul 25, 2018

UDN user ask us to change the API for the material to remove confusion with the material ID. Also apparently there is an issue with the skeletal mesh merge tool, the user did not give any repro ste ...

Metasounds - Using the Audio Component Play Node with a start timer other than 0 results in the Metasound ceasing to function

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Dec 2, 2021

Metasounds cease functionality if called to Play with a different start time other than 0. This extends to the Metasound editor where pressing play to preview the sound also ceases to function. ...