MPCook: Fix replication of UObject::CookAdditionalFilesOverride

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Oct 19, 2023

MPCook relies on global data that is accumulated during package cooks on CookWorkers be replicated to the CookDirector. Some global data that is accumulated during package cooks is CookAdditionalFi ...

Morph Target Preview Slider Defaults to One When Entered Value is Larger Than One

OLD - Anim - Jan 2, 2018

When morph target weight value is set to a number other than 1 the slider sets it back to being a value under 1. It does not go down from the number that it was set to but instead defaults to being ...

Having a project for iOS set to only allow Landscape Right with show incorrectly on an iOS device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 23, 2015

When you are packaging and deploying your project to an iOS device, If Supports Landscape Right orientation is the only Orientation checked, It will show incorrectly on the iOS device. Tested on an ...

When multiple HLODs are set, the transition does not occur correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 30, 2019

The [bIsVisible] flag is set to [1] by the following judgment.const bool bIsInDrawRange = DistanceSquared >= Bounds.MinDrawDistanceSq * HLODState.FOVDistanceScaleSq; Judging from this code, I bel ...

Crash when upgrading Nvidia GFX driver from Version 457.85 with open Project

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 18, 2022

Repro Rate: 5/5 Summary: When opening a Project in UE version 5.1.0 with Nvidia GFX driver version ###, the user is notified that there are known issues with this driver through a pop-up:WARNING: K ...

Set Actor Scale 3D Not Functioning as Expected

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2016

Using Set Actor Scale 3D in the Construction Script is not functioning as expected. If you set the scale to 1,1,1, you are still able to freely scale an instance of the object in the scene. However, ...

StaticMeshActor loses root component scale if placed with Surface Snapping enabled in Editor Viewport

Tools - Oct 21, 2019

If you make a Blueprint child of StaticMeshActor, and set the default scale of the Root Component (Static Mesh Component) to something other than 1,1,1, the scale will not be applied when the actor ...

Moving Child Object in Local Space Causes Flickering

Tools - Jun 30, 2016

When moving an object in the viewport that is parented to another object with a scale of -1,1,1, the child object will flicker. This is a regression, this did not occur in the 4.11.2 binary release ...

FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT isn't thread safe

UE - Foundation - Core - May 17, 2016

From I've found that FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT has at least 2 bugs: The one that caused a deadlock ...

Replicated components spawned by CreateComponentOnInstance are broken by object reuse

UE - Gameplay - Apr 5, 2023

When the gameplay framework component manager creates components as part of CreateComponentOnInstance, it passes in the requested class name as the literal name of the component instead of using the ...