Update FLevelEditorViewportClient::InputAxis to forward mouse axis events as well

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 23, 2023

FLevelEditorViewportClient::InputAxis needs to be updated to use the device mapper and FInputDeviceID's instead of the old int 32 ControllerID. Looks like this was missed during the refactor to use ...

[AI] FMassBatchedEntityCommand uses wrong scoped access

UE - AI - Mass - Mar 9, 2023

FMassBatchedEntityCommand uses UE_MT_SCOPED_READ_ACCESS in both of its Add methods but it writes data to its TArray that it is supposed to be protecting. ...

Editing Blueprint default values will make the level it is contained in get marked as dirty

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 10, 2023

When Blueprint default values are edited, those edits will also be propagated to any active instances in the level. Each edit event will mark the level as dirty. Similarly, in a World Partition map ...

Renaming a variable on a Blueprint will reset that variable's value on any Child BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2023

If a variable is renamed on a blueprint, then any child blueprints will lose their default values for that variable and reset to the parent's default value. This resetting only happens with the Chi ...

Use a shared context in Loading instead of copying the LinkerInstancingContext

UE - Foundation - Core - EditorLoader - May 12, 2023

Current LinkerInstancingContext are copying instead of being shared internally during loading which can induce a lot of memory usage when used with World Partition which can contains a lot of mappin ...

Level and Blueprint viewports have different behavior when calling FComponentVisualizerManager::HandleClick

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 22, 2023

User reports a difference in how component visualizer clicks are handled in editor vs blueprint viewports. This is likely not intentional, just a case of a difference in control flow in each viewpor ...

The Blueprint compiler is not consistent with UHT when generating DefaultToInstanced variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 7, 2023

UnrealHeaderTool and the Blueprint compiler generate inconsistent metadata for object reference variables whose underlying class type includes 'DefaultToInstanced' metadata. UnrealHeaderTool-genera ...

FKismetCompilerUtilities::ValidateProperEndExecutionPath() was unintentionally removed from compile-time graph validation

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Oct 16, 2023

We no longer include a note/warning when an expected execution path will not be taken in a function graph due to the presence of a return node. This was inadvertently removed by the change that intr ...

Overriding a struct member field's default value on a BP-added component in a BP asset will no longer allow the user to edit that struct member on instances of that BP's component if the member is deprecated.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 19, 2023

Properties that are deprecated are (incorrectly) not currently being propagated to instances by the duplication logic that we use to instance BP-added components as part of Actor-based BP constructi ...

Ensure/failure when changing the class of a scene component that has bVisualizeComponent enabled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 20, 2023

Failure occurs at compile time during GC when the replacement component that we create is being destroyed. This component includes the BillboardComponent instance that's attached to the scene compon ...