Race condition in USkeletalMeshComponent::TickCloth due to delayable tick function.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Aug 1, 2016

USkeletalMeshComponent::TickComponent is run in the PrePhysics tick group. This is the only place where the SkeletalMesh is actually checked to be != nullptr to determine whether or not the TickClot ...

User is able to give a Preview Scene Profile the same name as an existing profile

UE - Gameplay - Aug 1, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, the user is able to give two profiles the same name. While this doesn't result in any issues, it is something that's generally not accepted in the editor and can caus ...

"Error in Feature pack D:/Release/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack" when opening a project in editor.

Docs - Samples - Aug 2, 2016

The following warning appears in the Output Log when opening any project in editor:LogFeaturePack:Warning: Error in Feature pack C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.13/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualReality ...

MetalRHI crash locking camera cut to a level sequence in QAGame

UE - Platform - Apple - May 12, 2016

Running into an intermittent crash in MetalRHI when locking to a camera cut in a level sequence. Very similar to [Link Removed] which is an NVIDIA GPU. ...

AI in network replay often stutter or freeze in place before jumping forward in their replay movement path.

UE - Networking - Aug 2, 2016

Network replay, on replay demo, will show AI stuttering and jumping forward in their movement path. ...

Crash when Changing Source File and Re-Importing Mesh used in Mesh Particle System

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 2, 2016

A licensee has reported a crash when re-importing a mesh being used within a Mesh Particle system. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11.2 binary release. Link to Crash Logs: [Lin ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Slate!SMultiBoxWidget::GetCustomizationVisibility() [multibox.cpp:931]

Tools - Jun 14, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: Result == FPrope ...

StartCameraFade not fading camera

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 3, 2016

This started happening recently in 4.13 integrations. StartCameraFade node no longer has any effect. Fading no longer works in new VR Template. ...

Crash undoing variable change in Animation Blueprint.

OLD - Anim - Aug 1, 2016

Crash occurs when the user changes a variable in the animation blueprint, and then undo's the change. Note that this occurs with any variable being used, but the callstack will be some what differe ...

Lag in attached components to a Camera in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 29, 2016

When using HMD camera tracking adding a (StaticMesh) component to the Camera component results in a bit of lag when looking around with the VR headset. ...