Crash when attempting to merge two objects using Simplygon - ProxyMaterialUtilities::CreateProxyMaterialInstance

UE - Gameplay - Aug 4, 2016

Engine crashes on completing a simplygon merge of two actors Note If you set On screen size to 50, you can speed up the merge to get to the crash quicker ...

Camera Auto exposure in the static mesh editor bleaches everything out when the environment is turned off

UE - Gameplay - Aug 4, 2016

The viewports camera Auto exposure in the static mesh editor bleaches everything out when the environment is turned off. It seems that this is stopping you from being able to access the "old" stati ...

Crash when using pooled widgets in an invalidation panel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 3, 2016

Widgets that are pooled are given a pointer to a layout cache, if the layout cache dies, the pointer is bogus. Going to need to move over to using weak pointers to avoid the crash, will add some pe ...

Missing Oculus 1.6 Support

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 3, 2016

Add the 1.6 integration to 4.13 for release. ...

Ensure trying to Draw Material on a Render Target

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 3, 2016

Ensure occurs when attempting to Draw Material on a Render Target. ...

Procedural meshes copying static meshes do not support UV hit results

UE - Gameplay - Aug 3, 2016

Procedural Meshes copying static meshes do not support UV hit results. Proc meshes generated from Create Mesh Section do generate UVs (if UV array is filled). ...

Crash when force deleting blueprints that reference each other

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 3, 2016

Editor crashes when trying to force delete assets that reference each other. Blueprint 'A' contains an Actor Component of Blueprint 'B'. Crash will occur when trying to force delete both 'A' and 'B' ...

Crash opening multiple UMG assets

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 3, 2016

Dragging a custom event node to event graph that is bound via output pin to an event dispatcher crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 3, 2016

Editor crashes if a custom event function is called after a custom event has been bound to an event dispatcher. However, this only occurs if the event binding occurs from an event delegate by ref ou ...

"Warning Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh" warning spam when moving physics asset in level

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 3, 2016

The following warning is spammed when moving a physics-enabled skeletal mesh is moved in the level.PIE:Warning: Warning Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh SkeletalMeshComponent0. Ple ...