Gray buttons have white text

Tools - Aug 2, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING 3074157BROKEN: 3074196 In the editor, gray buttons have white text, making them hard to read. This was seen in the Pick Parent Class and Pick Target Skeleton windows. May b ...

Resolution issue causes large black bar on Galaxy Note 4 when app starts

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 2, 2016

This issue only seems to affect the GalaxyNote4_5543 OS: 4.4.4 This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same GPU This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same OS If you lock the scr ...

AI in network replay often stutter or freeze in place before jumping forward in their replay movement path.

UE - Networking - Aug 2, 2016

Network replay, on replay demo, will show AI stuttering and jumping forward in their movement path. ...

Ensure occurs when force deleting a BP asset that is still referenced in memory

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 2, 2016

Upon force deletion of a BP asset still referenced in memory an ensure is hit. ...

Procedural Sound Wave Fails to Play when returning 0 bytes in GeneratePCMData callback

UE - Audio - Aug 2, 2016

Returning 0 bytes in GeneratePCMData results in the procedural sound wave not continuing to play audio. Instead of returning 0, we need to return an empty buffer if the procedural sound wave doesn't ...

Morph targets unable to find B Material

OLD - Anim - Aug 2, 2016

Morph targets are not changing colors in some instances and just not doing anything in others(1.1 in Content Examples - MorphTargets) The output log is spammed with: LogMaterialParameter: B materia ...

UMG: Sprites don't pick a default size when selected for a brush

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 2, 2016

Sprites don't adjust the default size of a brush when selected for a UMG brush. ...

"Error in Feature pack D:/Release/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack" when opening a project in editor.

Docs - Samples - Aug 2, 2016

The following warning appears in the Output Log when opening any project in editor:LogFeaturePack:Warning: Error in Feature pack C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.13/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualReality ...

Rendering glitch when launching on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 2, 2016 I was able to repro it on Nexus5 with Android 5.1.1. ...