Object Scale Not Working with Instanced Static Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - May 19, 2016

Using Object Scale in your material with an Instanced Static Mesh does not change the color of the material if you scale the individual instances of the Instanced Static Mesh component. If you scal ...

Any nodes after a reroute node do not list stats in the Blueprint Profiler

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 18, 2016

No Profiler stats are being listed for nodes after a reroute node. Just the nodes are listed with no stats present. ...

SceneComponent.cpp [NewTransform.IsValid()] ensure when playing TM-CharacterMovement map on Mac

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2016

An ensure occurs when playing the QAGame level TM-CharacterMovement. This ensure only occurs on Mac. ...

Datatable shows serialization of struct variables within a struct

Tools - May 18, 2016

If a datatable is created from a struct containing another struct, added rows will show serialization values in the datatable editor for struct variables. Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.1 ...

Scaling skeletal mesh components breaks capsule shadows

UE - Graphics Features - May 18, 2016

Increasing the scale of a skeletal mesh actor with Capsule Shadows set to true causes the shadow to appear chunky and broken. Regression (No), feature was not present in 4.10.4. ...

iOS splash screen is rotated incorrectly for a few seconds when launching

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 17, 2016

The orientation of the splash screen is displayed squished and rotated incorrectly when launching on iOS. ...

iOS Metal-based build crashes at launch with sub-levels.

Tools - May 16, 2016

Application crashes when deploying a game to iOS with Metal enabled. This has only been reproduced if a sub-level has been added to the starting level within the project. This seems to only happen ...

Shadows appear to flicker on the Vive when using dynamic lighting on a translucent surface

UE - Platform - XR - May 16, 2016

Shadows appear to flicker on the Vive when using dynamic lighting on a translucent surface. This is even more noticeable if the engine scalability is turned down. ...

Changes in Blueprint Properties not Updated in placed Instance

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 16, 2016

When changing some properties in a Blueprint, the changes are not reflected in placed instances of the Blueprint. I've included repro steps from the licensee who reported this. I verified these step ...

MetalRHI crash locking camera cut to a level sequence in QAGame

UE - Platform - Apple - May 12, 2016

Running into an intermittent crash in MetalRHI when locking to a camera cut in a level sequence. Very similar to [Link Removed] which is an NVIDIA GPU. ...