Able to fly off the map in LandscapeMountains

Docs - Samples - Aug 19, 2016

Player's can fly past the landscape boundary and get outside the map. Location I flew out was at X: -47020.0 cm, Y: 238600.0 cm, Z: 38700.0 cm ...

Level BP causes GLEO on level duplicate

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 19, 2016

NOTE that this error doesn't occur for class blueprints (and trying to duplicate them), or after you remove the delegate reroute node. ...

Owen's leg intersects his jacket on ContentExamples Animation map

Docs - Samples - Aug 19, 2016

Owen's leg can be seen sticking through his jacket on station 1.4 of ContentExamples Animation map. ...

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 18, 2016

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation. My expectation is based on the fact that Crane Pitch leaves the camera level ...

Editor crashes if a sublevel with a landscape is duplicated then added to the persistent level as a sublevel.

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 18, 2016

If a sublevel is duplicated and contains a landscape, the editor will crash when the duplicate level is added to the persistent level as a sublevel. Frequency 4/4 Regression (yes) issue (does not ...

Repeating Cinematic loop at beginning of MatineeFightScene

Docs - Samples - Aug 18, 2016

The cinematic loops at the very beginning when opening the sample in standalone game on Mac. Cannot repro on Windows using standalone game, but can repro on Windows if you launch using -game. ...

Matinee fps fluctuates drastically

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 18, 2016

When watching Matinee on a mac using Standalone Game the fps fluctuates wildly. ...

Repaired painted vertex warnings in ElementalDemo

Docs - Samples - Aug 17, 2016

Warning is as follows: Warning Spent 0.5s repairing painted vertex colors due to static mesh re-imports! This will happen every load until the maps are resaved. ...

Load error when opening ElementalDemo in the editor

Docs - Samples - Aug 17, 2016

The following load error is seen in ElementalDemo: Error /Engine/EngineMeshes/ParticleCube : Can't find file for asset. /Game/Materials/AbsoluteWorldPositionOffset_PNTriTess ...

StrategyGame Performance Regression on iPad Mini 4

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 17, 2016

We encountered this issue during the Mobile Compat pass for 4.13 4.12 FPS/FR: 60/16 4.13 FPS/FR: 47/20 ...