Soft Contraint's Stiffness and Damping settings don't affect anything

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 19, 2017

The settings for "Stiffness" and "Damping" in the Soft Constraint setting for Physics Constraints doesn't seem to have an effect on anything. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.14 ...

Capsule trace by channel appears to clip through static meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 21, 2016

Capsule trace by channel appears to clip through static meshes. The capsule trace appears to clip through a mesh at certain angles ...

Scrolling artifacts on mobile at low FPS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 3, 2016

Weird artifacts appear when scrolling through textures in a scroll box. This is more noticeable and happens more frequently at lower frame rates. View AnswerHub thread for examples of artifacting. ...

Compiling UObject blueprint causes Instanced variables of the blueprint type to show as "REINST" in other blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2016

When a UObject blueprint is compiled, other blueprints with an Instanced variable of that type will show as REINST and will not recognize the original blueprint data. ...

Placing a Physics Constraint Component in an Actor Triggers a Warning During PIE When There Are No Constrained Components

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 15, 2017

A warning is appearing in the output log during PIE when an actor contains a Physics Constraint component that does not have any constrained components set. This did not occur in 4.15.2, this is a ...

Cannot call blueprint events on CDO

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2017

Attempting to call a blueprint event on a CDO object causes the editor to crash. Regression: Yes- Repro steps did not crash editor in binary 4.15.3 (CL 3450819) ...

Static Mesh Navigation Collision Properties Not Being Saved Correctly

UE - AI - May 10, 2017

Setting properties for a static meshes Navigation Collision and then reopening the mesh causes them to be reset. This does not appear to occur in 4.14.3. This is a regression. ...

Event dispatcher cannot be deleted, removed, or renamed after placing a period in the name

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 7, 2017

Event dispatcher cannot be deleted, removed, or renamed after placing a period in the name. In the case of the example given, the editor will throw a warning "No Delegate found for NewEventDispatche ...

Physics object resting on movable platforms have erratic physics behavior in 4.14

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 14, 2016

Physics object resting on movable platforms have erratic physics behavior in 4.14. This is a regression from 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When placing more than 10 or 20 blocks on a moving pl ...

Using construction script does not update 3D widget text

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 20, 2017

The construction script is not updating in the PIE when the text is set through that method, there is a current workaround to set it on event begin play. This issue affects the Text and Textbox comp ...