Renaming struct member disconnects blueprint pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 8, 2017

Renaming struct member disconnects blueprint pins. This issue can disconnect all references to the struct, which can be frustrating if you have a lot of references No regression has been performed ...

Flickering When adding a moving texture to the stereo layer and holding the teleport button in the VR template

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 1, 2017

Flickering When adding a moving texture to the stereo layer and holding the teleport button in the VR template. An additional note, is that the FPS appears to shoot up above 90 (up to around 120+ fp ...

When importing multiple meshes at once and change the Uniform Scale meshes import at different sizes

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Sep 21, 2017

When a large quantity (about 50 in this case) are imported simultaneously, and the Import Uniform Scale is changed to any other number besides 1, random meshes differ in size. This happens regardles ...

Editor crash when adding to Instanced Static Mesh Component is created/populated at runtime.

Tools - Sep 26, 2017

If NewObject is used to create an instanced static mesh component at runtime, populating the component with AddInstance causes the editor to crash. Regression: Yes - repro steps provided did not cr ...

Hierarchical and normal Instanced Static Mesh Components do not maintain PerInstanceRandom values when transforms are modified

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 6, 2017

When using PerInstanceRandom in a material that is applied to a Hierarchical or normal Instanced Static Mesh component, there are issues of the value resetting when certain transform operations are ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FLevelCollection::RemoveLevel() [world.cpp:249]

UE - Gameplay - Dec 1, 2017

This is a common crash that has occurred since at least 4.14 User DescriptionsWas playing in editor and ran around my world composition level a little bit and then hit escape to quit.Using the node ...

Component inheritance does not appear to be consistent when running a project with the -game command line argument

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 19, 2018

Component property inheritance sometimes does not behave as expected when opening a project with the -game command line argument. Attempting to load a child Blueprint through code may not correctly ...

"Get Data Table Column as String" Always returns Last Column

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 10, 2018

The final column of DataTable is always returned when using "Get Data Table Column as String" blueprint node. "Get Data Table Column as String" Blueprint node is new as of 4.19 ...

Log Text, Log Location, and Log Box Shape, do not appear in Blueprint Visual Logger or Output Log

UE - AI - Jan 24, 2016

Debug information from blueprint visual loggers (log text, loglocation, logboxshape) do not print to either the message log or output log. This can be problematic as the visual debugger specifically ...

Sequencer Auto-key will incorrectly place a key for rotation if the object's rotation is not between -180 and 180

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 17, 2016

Sequencer prefers rotation to be specified between -180 and 180, while the details panels prefer between 0 and 360. When auto-key is on, sequencer will add a key that does this conversion despite th ...