Cannot build project for Shipping when bUseLoggingInShipping is set to true for a project that uses replicated properties

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 22, 2018

Enabling bUseLoggingInShipping for a project prevents the project from being built for Shipping if the project includes replicated properties. This is only an issue with binary builds of the Engine. ...

Crash opening Soul City in 4.19

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 15, 2018

This does not reproduce in 4.18.2 I spoke with Tim G. from the tools team and we tried a few things. 1stOpened LV_Soul_Slum in 4.18Exported the landscape height mapOpened a level in 4.19 and impor ...

Incorrect macro definitions in VisualLogger.h

UE - Gameplay - Mar 28, 2018

UE_CVLOG_BOX, UE_CVLOG_OBOX, and UE_CVLOG_CONE have problems with their definitions. UE_CVLOG_OBOX calls UE_VLOG_BOX instead of UE_VLOG_OBOX All 3 of these macros also call their respective macro ...

Linux: UE_ENGINE_DIRECTORY not being set by UBT

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 27, 2018

UBT is not passing UE_ENGINE_DIRECTORY to GForeignEngineDir because in UEBuildTarget.cs IsCurrentPlatform only checks for Windows and Mac. Because GForeignEngineDir is not set, config files and oth ...

[Metal-Epic:Tools] Compiling Metal 2.0 shaders on XCode 9.3 beta with desktop forward selected fails on iOS

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 30, 2018

Shaders fail to compile with a series of cube map errors (subset below): LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 17 Shader compiler errors compiling global shaders for platform SF_METAL_MRT:   LogShaderComp ...

Different result from panner when connecting Time with Period

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 9, 2018

Panner results for a Time node and another Time node with period setting will not stay the same even when the period is set to be long and both Time nodes are outputting the same value. It looks li ...

Behavior tree Composite node tool tip

UE - AI - Apr 17, 2018

In prior versions to 4.19, the tooltips for all the composite nodes had documentation detailing their use. ...

Location accuracy is ignored by ULocationServicesIOSImpl

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 17, 2018

Location accuracy is ignored by ULocationServicesIOSImpl: bool ULocationServicesIOSImpl::InitLocationServices(ELocationAccuracy Accuracy, float UpdateFrequency, float MinDistance) { .. ...

Linux: SIGTERM handler can deadlock

UE - Platform - Linux - Sep 30, 2016

Handling SIGTERM can deadlock because RequestExit() can log stuff. If we happen to be in the malloc at that time of receiving the signal this is going to deadlock the process. In general, we should ...