Double clicking in Sprite while using "Edit Source Region" does not dirty the sprite asset

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 23, 2018

Making changes to a sprite asset by double clicking in the Sprite while using "Edit Source Region" does not cause the asset to dirty. ...

Cannot use code class if it is placed in a folder named "Device"

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 24, 2018

C++ classes that are located within a folder named "Device" cannot be seen or used within the Editor. The classes cannot be found within the Content Browser, and they cannot be used to create Bluepr ...

Moving a folder to another location will change it's set color to default

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jan 28, 2015

Moving a folder to another location will change it's set color to default, however if you move the folder to it's original location, the color returns. ...

Crash when calling an event with an enum reference parameter with literal

UE - Platform - Linux - May 1, 2018

The issue appears to be the type of the input pin on the custom event(or function - both behave the same), under normal circumstances it should allow you to pick the enum from a list on the calling ...

Crash launching ES31 app on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 9, 2018

This has occurred so far using ES31 with Launch On to Android. It didn't occur with ES2 or Vulkan.Error: === Critical error: === Error: Error: Fatal error: [File:D:\Streams\Fortnite_Staging\Engin ...

Get Hit Result Under Finger by Channel appears to return the wrong location on MAC during PIE

UE - Platform - Apple - May 11, 2018

The location give by the Get hit result under finger by channel appears to be affected by screen size on Mac. When clicking an area in the level, it does not always return the area under the finger ...

TPropertyValueIterator skips TMap values when KeyType is a UStruct

UE - Foundation - Core - May 7, 2018

From The property value iterator has logic where it tries to iterate over all properties in a s ...

Importing folder with a period in its name causes crash

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 15, 2018

Folders with periods in the name will crash when attempting to import them. ...

Crash in editor after disabling AISystem in Worldsettings

UE - AI - May 16, 2018

After disabling the World Option bEnableAISystem, clicking with the right mouse button on the asset browers (in an empty place) casues the editor to crash. ...

Convex Decomposition is broken on Linux using Imported Static Mesh

Tools - May 23, 2018

Changing the complexity of the desired mesh using the Hull Count, Hull precision and Max Hull Verts on Linux requires the process more time to complete, but causes no results. This process works as ...