Crash When Material is Set to Deferred Decal with Emissive Decal Blend Mode and Forward Shading Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2019

When Forward Shading is enabled, if you create a material with their properties setup with the following:   Material Domain: Deferred Decal - Blend Mode: Translucent - Decal Blend Mode: Emissive T ...

Pause animation does not work at the second preview playback in sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 25, 2019

This behavior can pause well for the first time playback, but it will not work for the second time. Also, as you touch the seek bar you will be able to pause. ...

Assertion When Packaging If an Actor in Level Uses Create Canvas 2D Render Target

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 23, 2019

An assertion will occur when packaging if an Actor in level uses "Create Canvas 2D Render Target"  Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL 4753647 Blocked for testing in main due to crash when placing ...

Gameplay windows from Standalone do not remember their positions properly when there are multiple windows

Tools - Jan 23, 2019

The position of game windows from Standalone Game mode are not saved properly when multiple windows are used. The placement of the windows upon the next launch ends up placing all of the windows on ...

Launch URL node adds http:// to commands such as mailto:

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 22, 2019

LaunchURL places an http:// at the start of any URL that does not contain :// . This causes an issue with the mailto: command and other commands such as this. Regression?: No This occurs in 4.2 ...

iOS Remote Build fails with Date/Time set to Certain Locales

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 21, 2019

Date/Time formats using commas instead of semicolons will cause iOS compile to fail. "LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format." Similar Unk ...

Convert CharacterBP to Spawnable in Sequencer cause crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2019

[Link Removed] ...

Incorrect net mode during EndPlay in PIE

UE - Networking - Jan 18, 2019

Actor GetNetMode() can return the wrong value in EndPlay when the PIE world is being shut down. ...

Dedicated server crashes when running a multi-process game in standalone with the Code Editor plugin enabled

Tools - Jan 17, 2019

Attempting to run a standalone server and client using different processes will crash if the Code Editor plugin is enabled. ...