Double quotes in SetupAndroid.bat may cause issues in paths

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 15, 2020

There are a few ways to end up with double-quoted paths inside of double quotes, including the case where user path does not already contain any paths. ...

Editor crashes when calling "Begin Draw Canvas to Render Target" on Event Tick

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 20, 2020

The recent hotfix caused this workflow to begin crashing. User reports that it worked as intended in 4.25.2 (CL-13908680). We are unable to reproduce it in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370) either. Crash is ha ...

RetainerBox may cause memory leak

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 20, 2020

Essentially, this memory leak should be counted in the UI section, but it is counted in the SceneRender section. This seems to be due to the behavior of MemStackAllocator and FixedSizeAllocator. Th ...

Camera grain fails to render on mobile previews and on devices.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 11, 2020

This was said to have been working in 4.24 Unsure currently when regression was If you use SM5 preview and play in mobile preview, it works as intended. ...

Modulated Shadow doesn't work

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 7, 2020

4.22 is working On Mobile sometimes Modulated Shadow is useful for Cast custom color and value Shadows on Unlit objects(custom celshading for example) ...

Add Chunks button in asset audit tool does not function because of name compare problem

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Aug 5, 2020

The Asset Audit window uses the content browser to display information about both real assets and fake assets like chunk definitions. When you hit the Add Chunks button, it adds several fake assets ...

Crash compiling a blueprint after changing a Text variable to String, while the Details panel are visible

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 29, 2020

Crash occurs when the user changes a Text variable to a String while the Details panel is displaying its properties, and then compiling. Crash does not seem to occur if the Details are not visible. ...

Duplicating BP actors reset edited Variables to Default Value if Variables name start with Chinese Character

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 29, 2020

Hints: It has no problem in 4.24, only happening in 4.25 It has no problem as long as the Variable name is contained with Alphabat(English characters) fully; or start with Alphabat(A_变量 is fine) ...

Array property of a User Defined Struct is corrupted when additional properties are added to the struct

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 1, 2020

Modifying a UserDefinedStruct can lead to data corruption in Blueprint array properties. ...

Error: FAsyncPackage::LoadImports for <some asset>: Skipping import PaperTileMap /Script/Paper2D.Default__PaperTileMapActor:RenderComponent.PaperTileMap_0, depends on missing native class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 30, 2020

User reporting seeing this error start appearing in 4.25.1 (possibly 4.25.x, unsure if they were previously testing on 4.25.0 or not). It appears 'benign' as the expected data still gets loaded, bu ...