Crash occurs when RayTracing.ExcludeDecals is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 16, 2020

The cause of the crash is out-of-range access to the array. ExcludeDecals eliminates the mesh instance to which the decal material is assigned, but it seems that the MeshCommand has been registered ...

Crash occur when switching the Ray Tracing shadow function when only shadow is enabled in the Ray Tracing

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 16, 2020

According to the licensee, this problem is caused by a variable inconsistency in Cvar. The cause seems to be the difference between the CVar reference when generating RayTracingSceneRHI and the CVa ...

Functions containing Unicode characters break nativization on Clang-hosted target platforms.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2020

The UHT boilerplate code that's generated from a converted Blueprint class header file generated from a Blueprint class containing one or more function names with non-ASCII characters will fail to c ...

Default UE splash logo appears briefly when launching an application with an alternate launch image on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 15, 2020

Various users have reported seeing the default UE splash logo appear briefly before their custom launch screen appears. This was reported to have been seen in 4.25, and did not occur for users in 4. ...

Crash running construction script after compiling BP function library

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2020

Editor can assert when changing the signature of an editor authored Blueprint Library Function (FuncA) if that function is called from a Blueprint Library Function (FuncB) via an actor's constructio ...

Crash renaming nested struct member while the pin is split on a node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2020

Crash occurs when the user renames a nested struct member variable while there's a struct pin split in a blueprint. ...

Packaged Paper2D game using Flipbooks crashes when opening Level

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 11, 2020

Paper2D game using Blueprint Actor with Box Collision and Flipbook Component crashes frequently when loading levels in packaged Development Build. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 139427 ...

ProxyLOD plugin generates uninitialized vertices at end of a vertex buffer

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 11, 2020

ProxyLOD::FQuadricMeshSimplifier::OutputMesh may remove duped verts. The input vertex buffer was resized by numVerts from FQuadricMeshSimplifier before calling OutputMesh. So these behaviors genera ...

Editor freezes when searching for blueprints while another search is active and indexing is in progress

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 10, 2020

The editor will freeze if the user starts a search for blueprints while a search is already happening during blueprint indexing. ...