Fail to compile with Added AIController class

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 14, 2015

User fails to compile code template after adding AIController code to project. Regression: Not a regression happens in 4.6.1 CL-2386410 Setting up Mono Building MyProjectEditor... Compiling game m ...

3D widget Rendering upside down on Android

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 14, 2015

The 3D widget looks fine in the mobile preview. However, when the project is launched to a device the widget will appear upside down. ...

marquee selection in orthographic view selects all bsp brushes, even those not located within marquee selection.

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jan 14, 2015

Marquee selection in an orthographic view selects all bsp brushes in level, even if they are not under the marquee selection. ...

Light Source Angle Input disabled when switching to static light on directional lights

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 14, 2015

If the directional light is switched from stationary to static, the Light Source Angle Input option is disabled in the details pane. ...

Overriding functions from a parent class then creating a child class creates two copies of the function in the child class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 14, 2015

When a child blueprint is created from a child of another blueprint that has overridden a function of the original parent blueprint, the child of the child will have two copies of the function. ...

The "Release" function of a button fires off when changing focus from game to UI

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 12, 2015

If the user in holding down a key and then uses the mouse to click on a button in UMG it will cause the key to fire off it's released execution. ...

When using the Delete key to delete a key frame for an animation in UMG the entire timeline is removed

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 12, 2015

When using the delete key to remove a key frame from an animation timeline the entire timeline is removed. ...

Greyscale Textures look in Texture Editor do not match Material Editor or Final Results

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 9, 2015

Greyscale image compression and sRGB settings are rendering different results in the Texture Editor versus the Material Editor and in game. Texture Editor (sRGB = True, Compression=Greyscale):[Link ...

New blueprints do not Alphabetize themselves as expected

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jan 9, 2015

When making new blueprints they are not placed within the content browser as a user would expect. In the example given in the link provided, blueprints ending in "_1" will come before "_10", however ...

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is selected/passed in

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is assigned to the cast nodes object input pin. ...