Crash on play when AIPerception Senses Config element is set to "sense config" options

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

Setting AIPerception component Senses Config to AI Damage / AI Prediction / AI Team sense config will cause the editor to crash on Play. This may be related to [Link Removed] Crash Reporter [Link ...

Calling RequestStimuliListenerUpdate on actor with one element in AIPerception Sensing Config causes crash

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

If an AIPerception component is added to an actor and given one element set to either AI Hearing / AI Sight / AI Touch config then the game will crash once Request Stimuli Listener Update is called ...

Simple Move in sublevels does not properly function

UE - AI - Sep 14, 2015

Using simple move to location in sublevels causes the blueprint not to respond or function correctly. ...

Launching a Project which uses Depth of Field crashes to Home Screen on iOS8 device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 10, 2015

When depth of field is activated in a project running on an iOS 8 device, the project will close to the Home Screen. ...

Effects.umap causes Standalone and Mobile Preview PIE to Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 10, 2015

When opening Effects.umap from Content Examples in Standalone Preview or Mobile Preview, it'll crash. ...

DrawMaterial() Function not Rendering Translucent Material to HUD

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 4, 2015

After creating a new HUD blueprint class and calling it to render a translucent material, the material does not render at all. This is not the case with any other Blend Mode when called to render to ...

Sliders and check boxes not working on touch screen device

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 31, 2015

When launching on to a device with a touch screen the Slider widget and the check box widget do not appear to respond to touch inputs. Note: Samsung Galaxy note was used for this test ...

Select Node not supported in AnimGraph, but still remains a selectable option

OLD - Anim - May 18, 2015

In the answer provided by the developer for AnswerHub question, "Select Node" is not supported in the AnimGraph. However, the user is still able to select and add this to the AnimGraph which is caus ...