USDStage - Issues importing USD prims with single time-sampled attributes

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - USD - May 10, 2022

There may be an issue with USD prims with time-sampled attributes - or at least an issue of user expectations.    When importing from a USDStageActor into Unreal, via the USDStage GUI, if prims hav ...

Orientation Warp Node Missing from ABP_Manny BP After TPS C++ Project Restart

UE - Anim - Gameplay - May 10, 2022

Occurs 3/3 times. Orientation Warp plugin is missing from ABP_Manny BP in the TPS C++ project after project restart.  Regression does not occur: Animation Warp plugin is not available in //UE4/Rel ...

Ensure condition failed: bPlayingBackwards ? (CurrentPosition <= PreviousPosition) : (CurrentPosition >= PreviousPosition)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 10, 2022

The problem is caused by the animation sequence playback position being set out of range from Sequencer. The call stack is :  UE4Editor-AnimGraphRuntime.dll!FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy::UpdateAnim ...

AEditorFunctionalTest doesn't show up on Frontend automatically

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - May 9, 2022

AEditorFunctionalTest causes assert in WP map

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - May 9, 2022

"Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr " when trying to create a basic test with AEditorFunctionalTest in a WP map. ...

All Frames Are Not Fully Deleted From Animation Sequence When Attempting to Create an Aim Offset

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 9, 2022

Occurs 3/3 Times *Regression *does occur: Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27.2 @ CL18319896 and all frames were able to be deleted from the Aim_Space_Hip Animation sequence.  ...

Lightmap directionality doesn't work well in UE5

UE - Graphics Features - May 9, 2022

The "Meshes" value of the LLM for dx11 is considerably larger than that for dx12.

UE - Graphics Features - May 9, 2022

We hope that the difference in GraphicsRHI will not cause such a big difference, but we need to make sure that there are no measurement omissions in the case of DX12.  ...

LLM "graphics" in DX12 is always 0

UE - Graphics Features - May 9, 2022

"FVector contains NaN" on packaged builds for Debug configuration

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - May 6, 2022

Customer Provided Description:This was experienced in UE 5.01 - custom installed engine (No changes to UE code, simply added the Debug build configuration, see the following command): "c:%ue_dire ...