[AI] Nav Modifier Volume inside of a Level Instance does not update navmesh when moved

UE - AI - Navigation - Oct 3, 2023

The issue is seen when using a normal navmesh inside of a World Partitioned level. Adding a Nav Modifier Volume to a Level Instance, and placing the Level Instance in the world will affect the navme ...

Add BP function that returns the list of DataLayerInstances in the DataLayerManager

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Oct 3, 2023

A licensee doesn't have access to all DataLayerInstances of the DL Manager via Blueprint. [Link Removed] ...

Unable to access inherited component using Subobject Data Subsystem

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 3, 2023

When using the Subobject Data Subsystem (Engine\Source\Editor\SubobjectDataInterface\Public\SubobjectDataSubsystem.h), we often have to work with an instance of FSubobjectData (Engine\Source\Editor\ ...

UnrealVS: Compile Single File no longer working after upgrading to 5.3

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealVS - Oct 2, 2023

After installing the UnrealVS version that arrived with 5.3. I can no longer use CompileSingleFile. It does however work on the Lyra project. One difference I notived, however, is that Lyra seems to ...

Shadowmapping broken in Android Vulkan Editor Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 2, 2023

GAS: Crash on unloading sublevel with Duration GEs and garbage collection before the duration expires

When a sublevel gets unloaded that has an actor with an AbilitySystemComponent with an active GameplayEffect with Duration, a crash occurs when the duration expires. This is due to an ASC timer dele ...

[AI] Fill Collision Underneath for Navmesh does not work for ISM instances

UE - AI - Navigation - Sep 29, 2023

Although the ISM component allows for enabling the flag for Fill Collision Underneath for Navmesh, it does not add the modifier for this to the navigation data for its instances.  ...